Event # 525106 I WVL I Call for Tender – RFQ Additional Machine for the Apple Facility
Event # 525106 I WVL I Call for Tender – RFQ Additional Machine for the Apple Facility.
WVL’s proposed intervention aims to enhance the livelihoods, food security, and resilience of vulnerable host and refugee individuals, households, communities, and systems. WVL will be complementing a previous intervention where production machines were installed, with complimentary items to boost the efficiency and longevity of the production cycle and to enhance its inclusiveness.
We are continuing a project with the addition of items to a recently commissioned apple processing factory, equipped with lines for apple juice production and dried apple production. We seek a qualified supplier for the machinery required for these production processes. The supplier will also be responsible for the installation, commissioning, and ongoing maintenance of the equipment for at least the contract period.
More Detailed information about the Tender will be shared with Tender Documentation to interested Companies/Consultants.
All National Companies interested in Tender participation should submit the Letter of Interest to WV Lebanon Procurement email address Lbn_Procurement@wvi.org, to receive the Tender Documentation.
The letter of Interest should include the following information:
- Email subject: Event # 525106 I WVL I Call for Tender – RFQ Additional Machine for the Apple Facility.
- Name of Company.
- Contact Information: Contact Person, Telephone, Mobile & Email.
The deadline for the submission of the Letter of Interest and the mandatory site is 31 October 2024 at 04:00 PM.
A mandatory site visit is to take place on 01 November 2024 at 10:30 AM in Aanjar.
Evaluation criteria:
Technical profile 40%
Program of work: Supplier 5%
Quality and completeness of the proposed program of work: Suppliers should provide a clear and detailed plan, outlining all stages of the project, including milestones and timelines. (5 points for a comprehensive plan that adheres strictly to the assigned time and provides reasonable milestone deadlines, 3 points for a plan that partially adheres to the assigned time but includes some unrealistic or delayed milestone timings, 0 for a plan that lacks adherence to the assigned time or contains insufficient milestone details).
Method statement 5%
Detailed explanation of how the supplier plans to implement the project: The method statement should describe the approach to executing each machine) or equipment (technical specifications, brands, and drawings when applicable), ensuring homogeneous operation with the existing equipment and machine, identifying potential risks and proposing mitigation strategies to adhere to the timeline.
- i) technical specifications brands and drawings (3 points)
- ii) Ensuring homogeneous operation (1 points)
- iii) Timeline adherence (1 point)
Technical profile of the company 10 %
Company's technical capacity and past performance: Suppliers must submit evidence of relevant experience and qualifications in similar projects.
- i) Number of years in operation: (5 points for 5+ years, 3 points for 3-5 years, 0 points for less than 3 years)
- ii) Client testimonials or references (5 points for strong references, 3 points for average, 0 points for no references)
Similar projects 20%
Past performance on similar projects: Suppliers should provide details of at least 3 similar projects, with proof of execution (e.g., contracts, completion certificates).
- i) More than 4 projects (20 points)
- ii) 2-3 projects (10 points)
- iii) Less than 2 projects (0 points)
- Documentation: Copies of contracts or certificates of completion for each project should be included as part of the Technical Proposal.
Financial Proposal : 60%
60 points are allocated to the proposal with the lowest proposal, and the financial score of other proposals are calculated in a comparison approach with lowest proposal using the below formula:
Sf = 100 x Fm/ F, in which “Sf” is the financial score, “Fm” is the lowest price, and “F” is the price of the proposal under consideration.
Proposals are ranked according to their combined technical (St) and financial (Sf) scores using the weights (T = the weight given to the Technical Proposal; P = the weight given to the Financial Proposal; T + P = 1) as following: S = St x T% + Sf x P%.
The maximum score allocated for technical proposal is 40 and the minimum passing score shall be 20.
Questions and clarifications should be sent by maximum of 01 November 2024, 12:00 PM Lebanon Time at the latest to the email address: Lbn_Procurement@wvi.org, and answers will be sent on the same day at 04:00PM.
DEADLINE for submission of bid and all related documents (Administrative, Technical, Financial) online Via Coupa System is 04th of November 2024 at the latest.
Please note:
- Companies missing contact information in the Letter of Interest will not be considered for Tender Participation.
- Any submission of a Letter of Interest after the deadline will be rejected and companies will not be invited to Tender.
Tender Documents will be sent out online Via Coupa System to interested companies/consultants by 24 October 2024, since the deadline for offers submission online via Coupa system is November 04, 2024, at 8:00 pm Tender documents will include detailed BOQs and TOR. All applications should be received online through Coupa system no hard copies will be accepted.
For any information, please contact the WV Lebanon Procurement Department;
Telephone: 04-401 980/1 Ext: 1087/1086/1082.
Payments will be made via fresh money transfer.
The Supplier needs to bear the cross-border transfer charges for an approximate amount of $45 for any sum below $10,000 and $95 for any sum above $10,000 which will be deducted directly from each transfer.
In case the Consultant is not registered with the Ministry of Finance, a deduction of 7.5 % should always be considered.
No Price Negotiation: Please note that this tender follows a "best and final offer" (BAFO) approach. Suppliers are expected to submit their most competitive price and comprehensive proposal initially, as no negotiations regarding price will be undertaken after the submission deadline.
How to apply
How to apply on Provision: You should click on "View Event" tab on the bottom right of the screen. This will take you to a Web page where you can tick the yellow box to intend to participate, then click on Enter Response on the bottom right of the screen. You will be redirected to a page where you can download relevant tender documents and upload your offer in the "Add File" Tab on the right.
Make sure to add the Total amount including VAT in Tab “Items & Lot”.