2195 I WVL I RFP Wash Supplies Across Lebanon

Dear Valued Suppliers,


WVL intends to award a long-term agreement for a contractor that is ready to provide, Wash Supplies for a minimum of 2 years.


The intent of this RFP is to identify and engage with fewer suppliers that may service WV needs for defined categories through a long-term agreement.


How to apply on Provision: You should click on "View Event" tab on the bottom right of the screen. This will take you to a Web page where you can tick the yellow box to intend to participate, then click on Enter Response on the bottom right of the screen. You will be re-directed to a page where you can download relevant tender documents and upload your offer in the "Add File" Tab on the right.


All Details information about the Project and Tender as per attached RFP Excel Sheet that includes: (Questionnaire & Item Pricing)

Excel Sheet (2 Tabs) as well the 2 BOQs should be submitted filled in Excel Formal & should be submitted filled & signed in PDF Format along with the remaining needed documents.


Deadline for the submission of Offers online via Provision system is October 29, 2024 08:00 PM Lebanon Time. TO Be Determined


Please note:

  • Any Offer received after the deadline (October 25, 2024) will be rejected. TO Be Determined
  • Any Offer received offline or via email will be rejected.
  • Email subject should be 2195 I WVL I RFP Wash Supplies Across Lebanon


How to apply on Provision: You should click on "View Event" tab on the bottom right of the screen. This will take you to a Web page where you can tick the yellow box to intend to participate, then click on Enter Response on the bottom right of the screen. You will be re-directed to a page where you can download relevant tender documents and upload your offer in the "Add File" Tab on the right.


Make sure to add in the tab “Total" under “Items & Lot” any numbering in order to submit your offer.


For any information, please contact WV Lebanon Procurement Department;

Telephone: 04-401 980/1 Ext: 1087/1086/1082.

Mobile: 70-036 030

Email: Lbn_Procurement@wvi.org,

You are kindly requested to provide us with the below documents signed and scanned:

•           Provide a certified copy of a certificate of business registration, certificate of incorporation, business license or similar document (Commercial circular & Commercial Register) شهادة_تسجيل_شركة + اذاعة_تجارية

•           Provide Letter from the Bank with Bank details

•           Provide ID of authorized Signatory مفوض بالتوقيع

•           Provide a certified copy of tax registration, tax clearance certificates or similar documents (Vat Document)

•           Provide information on ownership structure (Name of directors of the company / Owner) (Organization chart)

•           Provide references letter from at least three previous customers.

•           Provide List of customers names.

•           Sign Supplier Code of Conduct and WV’s safeguarding document (attached)

•           Supplier Registration Form (attached)

  • Fleet Information: Details on the size and composition of the taxi company's fleet, including vehicle types, age, and maintenance records.
  • Insurance and Licensing: Documentation of the company's insurance coverage, licenses, permits, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Technology and Innovation: Details on any technology platforms or innovations used by the company for fleet management, customer bookings, and driver communication especially if sometimes we need to request drivers who speak English considering having visitors from outside the country.


Evaluation Criteria

World Vision will evaluate information submitted for this RFP, at its discretion.

Evaluation Criteria Include, but are not limited to:

  • Quality, reputation and performance of providing Taxi Services in the geography of Lebanon and/or Middle  East and Eastern Europe
  • Thoroughness of information provided
  • Demonstrated excellence in service, support and extended warranties
  • Competitive pricing with demonstrated capacity to deliver the item/services required
  • Ability to deliver the requested according to the agreed-upon timeframe
  • Capability of supplier(s) to identify all elements leading to understanding the actual landed costs by country and establish lead-time and fulfilment objectives
  • Demonstrated ability to provide account coordination and high-quality customer service




Payments will be made via fresh money transfer.


The Supplier needs to bear the cross-border transfer charges for an approximate amount of $45 for any sum below $10,000 and $95 for any sum above $10,000 which will be deducted directly from each transfer.

In case the Supplier is not registered with Ministry of Finance, a deduction of 8.5 % should always be considered.   

Only technically approved consultants (Pass or fail evaluation technique) will be considered for Financial Evaluation.


No Price Negotiation: Please note that this tender follows a "best and final offer" (BAFO) approach. Suppliers are expected to submit their most competitive price and comprehensive proposal initially, as no negotiations regarding price will be undertaken after the submission deadline

How to apply

How to apply on Provision: You should click on "View Event" tab on the bottom right of the screen. This will take you to a Web page where you can tick the yellow box to intend to participate, then click on Enter Response on the bottom right of the screen. You will be re-directed to a page where you can download relevant tender documents and upload your offer in the "Add File" Tab on the right.

Tuesday, 29. Oct 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth