World Learning – QITABI 3: “Foreign Language Acquisition Consultant”

 World Learning – QITABI 3: “Foreign Language Acquisition Consultant”


The USAID-funded QITABI 3 project is designed to build on the success of past USAID investments through the QITABI 1 and QITABI 2 mechanisms with significant MEHE support. This project will strengthen MEHE’s ownership for the development and strengthening of national-level evidence-based quality education.

QITABI 3 will build upon past partnership and collaboration with the MEHE and leverage the MEHE commitment to bring quality early-grade learning to the national scale while providing the requisite technical assistance and financial resources to support the MEHE and relevant partners.

This project will work with MEHE and CERD to design and implement targeted interventions to improve reading, math, social and emotional learning, and life skills and youth programs for students, including children with disabilities, by building the institutional capacity of government counterparts to deliver quality education services.


World Learning has an opening for a consultancy position for an “Foreign Language Acquisition Consultant” for the USAID- funded Quality Instruction towards Access and Basic Education Improvement (QITABI 3).


To apply: Please send your resume to  with the post title on the subject line along with a cover letter (in English) explaining why you are best qualified for this position. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis and qualified candidates should apply as soon as possible.


This position is for a Lebanese national.


The consultant will work closely with World Learning’s Beirut office Second Language Acquisition Specialist, to contribute to recommending best practices for teaching, learning and assessment (diagnostic, formative, summative) of English as a second language in grades 7-12 (Cycles 3 and 4) public schools in Lebanon.

The consultant will be reporting to the World Learning Second Language Acquisition Specialist in Lebanon and will collaborate with World Learning QITABI 3 Team and report timely on all deliverables.


The consultant will be able to create scope and sequences and diagnostic/formative assessments based on the English language national curriculum of Lebanon and international practices.



  • Map the grades 7-12 English language curriculum using multiple relevant official resources.
  • Analyze the curriculum maps vertically and horizontally and report on observed gaps at grade level and across grades.
  • Suggest improvements to fill in the gaps to create a smooth progression both vertically and horizontally for grades 7-12 in all language domains.
  • Contribute to developing teacher-led student diagnostic and tools with Running Records, formative, and summative assessments for grades 9 – 12
  • Develop teacher lesson plans and activities for 1 month (2weeks only) based on QITABI 3 approach.
  • Participate actively in meetings/ conference calls and workshops and additional planning with a consideration for different times.











  • Master’s in education, linguistics, or a related field.
  • A strong command of the English language.
  • At least 5-7 years of experience in the teaching, learning and assessment of English as a second language in Middle and High Schools.
  • Experienced in coordinating English language programs in Middle and High schools.
  • Experienced in curriculum mapping and articulation.
  • Advanced skills in developing diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment.
  • Adopt research based instructional methods effective for middle and high school.



How to apply

To apply: Please send your resume to  with the post title on the subject line along with a cover letter (in English) explaining why you are best qualified for this position. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis and qualified candidates should apply as soon as possible.

Friday, 15. Mar 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Remuneration range:
5000 to 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
15 days over the period of 3 months