Gender Expert for Project Design- Short term consultancy

Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Application Submissions Guideline: 

Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV and motivation letter at no later than October 16, 2022

Contact Person Email: 

UNIDO is seeking a gender expert for its project entitled “Private sector transition to a green and circular economy in Lebanon".

The project is funded by EU and will be executed by UNIDO in collaboration with key national counterparts from the private and public sectors. Through the project, EU and UNIDO collaborate to strengthen private sector and support “Start-ups, Micro and Small Enterprises, including women-led enterprises, to develop sustainable, socially and gender responsible green and circular economy business models”.

Gender is an important element in the green and circular economic transition of Lebanese industries. For guaranteeing such transition, identification of gender relevant factors, their respective status (baseline), needs (targets), challenges and noticing on possible solutions are critical.

In this regard, the Gender Expert is expected to undertake a gender analysis in order to effectively mainstream gender into the design and formulation of the project.

This position is in the field (Lebanon) under the supervision of Project Manager at HQ in closecollaboration with Industrial Resource Efficiency Division (EAE/ENV/IRE) of UNIDO Vienna andIndustrial Development Officer of the project based in Lebanon. The Gender Expert for Project Design is required to perform the following tasks:

1. Review relevant reports, guidelines andobtain recent updates available onLebanon focused Gender strengthening. Specifically review the UNIDOdocuments on the requirements forgender mainstreaming, including
UNIDO’s Policy on Gender Equality andthe Empowerment of Women (2019) and UNIDO’s Gender Strategy 2020-2023

2.Conduct a detailed gender analysis asguided by UNIDO’s Guide to GenderMainstreaming, particularly emphasizinggender issues in the area and region of iintervention (e.g. gender division oflabour, access to an control of resourcesand technologies, women’s and men’sneeds and preferences, andopportunities for and constraints onwomen’s participation).

3. Developing the format for re-arrangingthe data or information obtained foranalysis and synthesis to work outpresent status, challenges andidentifying the possible options orroadmap for gender strengthening.

4. Assess and identify potential gender-differentiated impacts of the project.

5. Collect sex-disaggregated baseline datathat could be used to monitor potentialgender impacts.

6. Identify government agencies, NGOs,community-based organizations, andwomen’s associations or groups whosework focuses on gender and the specificarea of intervention that can be utilizedduring project preparation andimplementation. Assess their capacity.

7. Based on gender analysis, develop aplan of action that identifiesopportunities and entry points formainstreaming gender into the project.The plan of action for gendermainstreaming should mirror theproject’s log frame and include thedevelopment of gender specific projectcomponents, gender responsive targetsand indicators, timelines, assignedresponsibilities, and implementationarrangements. Identify and list the pre-requisites forthe successful implementation of the plan of action for gendermainstreaming.

8. Update the relevant gender relatedbaseline, future target and importantplan of action for gender mainstreamingin the project document and itsexecution purpose.

Technical and Functional Experience
- A minimum of (3) years professional experience in the field of gender equality and gendermainstreaming is required;
- Experience in mainstreaming gender in projects and programmes, especially in specific areaof intervention is required;
- Experience in working with government institutions and international or non-governmentalorganizations supporting gender and development work in the specific area of intervention inLebanon, is required;
- Experience in gender analysis tools and methodologies in the specific area of intervention is required;
- Strong communication skill and ability to liaise with various stakeholders, includinggovernment officials is desirable.

This appointment is limited to the specified project only and does not carry any expectation of renewal.



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
07 Oct, 2022
Intervention Sector(s):
Development, Environment, Gender issues
Application Deadline:
Sunday, 16 October 2022
Contract Type:
Period of Employment:
1 month (30 man days)
Salary Range:
> 3000 (USD)
Education Degree:
Masters Degree
Education Degree Details:
Advanced university degree in Social, Natural Sciences, or other relevant discipline,preferably with a specialization in gender and project cycle management is required
Experience Requirements:
3 to 5 years
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language:
  • Lebanon