Protection Monitoring - Situation of Forcibly Displaced Syrians in Lebanon, 3rd Quarter 2024


• Since 2019, UNHCR, in partnership with various organizations, has conducted monthly Protection Monitoring (PM) surveys with Syrian refugees across Lebanon. As of January 2024, this activity is centralized and implemented by INTERSOS, using household-level and Key Informant interviews, with a sampling methodology that is representative based on the presence of the Syrian refugee population both at national and regional levels. The PM surveys aim to gather information on refugees' situations, analyse protection trends, assess gaps, and inform responses. This supports evidencebased advocacy and programming under the Lebanon Response Plan. It incorporates UNHCR’s Age, Gender, and Diversity (AGD) approach to identify vulnerabilities. Referrals for specialized services are made when specific needs arise.

Disclaimer for Q3 2024: The escalation of the conflict in September 2024 has considerably affected the regular collection of PM data during Q3, especially in the South. The undertaking of PM surveys, in particular household visits, was impacted by the massive displacement of people, security considerations and accessibility issues. The protection trends and information presented in this report combine data extracted from the regular PM interventions and information collected by UNHCR and partners through other monitoring and emergency-response initiatives.

Last modified: 
06/12/2024 - 5:23pm
Publishing Date: 
Tuesday, 3 December 2024
Intervention Sector(s): 
Food & Nutrition, Health, Human Rights & Protection, Water sanitation and hygiene