Request for Quotation for structural study at NRC - Beirut.
We would appreciate your informing us of the receipt of this Request for Quotation (RFQ) by return e-mail to copying as to:
- Your confirmation of receipt of this RFQ and your indicative interest.
- Confirmation of your interest to attend a site visit as per Proposed Timeline in section 3.
Bidders are required to submit all their enquiries in respect of this request for quotation to Youssef Elahmad with cc to Ahmad Jebbawy UNHCR may, at its discretion, copy any reply to a particular question to all other invited bidders
How to apply
We would appreciate receiving your quotation on or before 29 January 2025, 16:00 pm (Local time) or earlier by e-mail in duly signed and stamped PDF format to coping
Please be aware of the fact that the e-mail policy employed by UNHCR limits the size of attachments to a maximum of 10 Mb so it may be necessary to send more than one e-mail for the whole submission.
Please indicate in the e-mail subject field:
- RFQ/2025/005
- Name of your firm
- Number of e-mails that are sent (example: 1/2, 2/2)
All bids must be received latest by 29 January 2025, 16:00 pm (Local time) or earlier.