UNICEF Lebanon Humanitarian Situation Report No. 3, 23 September 2024 - 15 October 2024


  • The government of Lebanon continues coordinating efforts to support over one million people affected by the escalation of hostilities on the Lebanon-Israel border. Nearly 75 percent of all casualties in the conflict took place since mid-September 2024, including reports of more than 890 children injured, and 127 children killed.
  • National authorities have opened more than 1,060 collective shelters for over 188,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) – half of them women and children. Approximately 80 per cent of shelters are full.
  • The Ministry of Public Health has confirmed a case of cholera in the Governorate of Akkar. UNICEF has deployed a rapid response team (health, WASH, RCCE, IPC) working with stakeholders to support prevention and containment measures.
  • Public schools remain closed for learning due to the postponement of the new school year to 4 November 2024 - nearly 60 per cent of all shelters are in public schools. UNICEF is working with the Ministry of Education to ensure learning continues despite the multiple crises.
  • In the first three weeks of mass displacement, UNICEF supported 482 collective shelters hosting 91,625 IDPs with relief items and services, including access to water, hygiene, health care and child protection.

Situation in Numbers

  • 350,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance
  • 1,000,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance
  • 188,000+ IDPs in collective shelters
  • 10,700+ people injured, including reports of 890 children
  • 2,300+ deaths, including reports of 127 children

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

More than 10,000 strikes have been conducted across Lebanese Governorates, including Beirut, since the hostilities on the Lebanon-Israel border started in October 2023. (ii) Approximately 25 per cent of the country has received military evacuation orders(iii) and peacekeepers have reported impact on UNIFIL infrastructure. The escalation in violence in the past three weeks has led to the deadliest period and largest displacement surge Lebanon has experienced in decades.

As of 15 October 2024, over 2,300 deaths were registered, including a reported number of 127 children, 261 women, 100 health workers and two UN staff, as well as injuries to over 10,700 people, including 890 children(iv) and five UNIFIL peacekeepers since October 2023. Nearly 75 per cent of casualties took place since mid-September 2024.

The Lebanese Government estimates that over 1.2 million people are now affected by the conflict. As of 15 October 2024, national authorities had opened nearly 1,060 collective shelters hosting more than 188,000 IDPs – over half of them women and children. Out of these centres, 876 (82 per cent) had already reached their maximum capacity. An additional 11 UNRWA sites are hosting nearly 4,000 displaced individuals.(v) Four Palestinian refugee camps have been affected by shelling.

More than 455,000 people fled Lebanon to Syria from 23 September to 15 October 2024, including 126,842 Lebanese and 329,386 Syrians, according to the Lebanese General Security Directorate(vi). The Masnaa road on the LebanonSyria border remains closed due to airstrikes damage, with reports of people crossing the border by foot.

The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has confirmed a case of cholera related to a patient from Samouniya in Akkar, who was being treated for severe acute watery diarrhoea and dehydration since 14 October 2024. MoPH is investigating the case, collecting samples from close contacts, and investigating water samples. The National Cholera Plan will be activated under the Ministry’s leadership.

Disruptions to public infrastructure are intensifying, with reports of 15 hospitals damaged(vii), 100 of 207 Primary Health Centres (PHCCs) and dispensaries in conflict areas closed(viii) , and 28 water facilities damaged, affecting water supply for over 360,000 people. (ix) Public schools remain closed for learning following the postponement of the new school year (2024-2025) to 4 November by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), as nearly 60 per cent of all shelters are located in public schools. Approximately 40 per cent of all enrolled students are currently displaced.

(ii) Lebanese Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Situation Report #19
(iii) UN News: Lebanon Crisis https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/10/1155726
(iv) Lebanese Ministry of Public Health Press Release
(v) UNRWA SitRep #6 https://www.unrwa.org/resources/reports/unrwa-situation-report-6-lebanon...
(vi) Lebanese Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Situation Report #19
(vii) Ministry of Public Health https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/increasing-bombardment-damaging-es...
(viii) WHO https://hq_who_departmentofcommunications.cmail20.com/t/d-l-euuhidt-jyyh...
(ix) https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/increasing-bombardment-damaging-es...

Last modified: 
21/10/2024 - 1:07pm
Publishing Date: 
Tuesday, 15 October 2024
Intervention Sector(s): 
Children & Youth, Human Rights & Protection