Individual Consultant to conduct a National Situational Analysis on Volunteerism for CCA update in Lebanon (Readvertised)
The consultant will be expected to conduct the following assessment products:
- National Situation Analysis (which includes from point 1 to 5) with following:
- Regulatory frameworks
- Global regulatory environment; UN Resolutions on Volunteering and SDGs.
- Sectoral/thematic strategies in relevant SDGs (prioritized with UN system and Gov.)
- Volunteerism related legislation, policies: National thematic volunteering policies and strategies, organizations, and plans
- National development plans or policies for SDG agenda acceleration
- Practical Implementation & Linkage to SDGs: Functioning volunteer solutions, initiatives or programs including organizations and relationship with policy environment. At least 5 examples on volunteering work related to specific prioritized SDGs (1, 3,4,5,8,9, 10, 13, 16, 17)
- Overall Brief Assessment:
- Positive developments towards civic engagement and participation: showing overall impact of volunteering work (or relevant data for implementation and monitoring), comments on engagement of volunteers in the achievement of SDGs.
- Challenges
- Data sources Consulted: Data sources consulted can be diverse, and can include both non-academic sources (government documents, published VIO reports) and academic publications.
- List of national indicators and information sources (National Time Use Survey, National Survey of Occupation and Employment, ILO information) on civic engagement, volunteering, and solidarity networks.
- Consultations sessions to capture volunteer data and to validate the final document (workshop).
- With final report with main findings of the consultations/workshops
- Relevant data sets or surveys, focal groups or data collected (Collection of relevant sources that have been consulted for the NSA)
- Draft analysis of a strategy on the national level to engage with the Volunteering ecosystem.
- Including recommendations to engage with VIOs (red cross, public volunteering platform) and non-state (private foundations such as philanthropic foundations) and state stakeholders.
- Draft texts for CCA and UNSDCF
- Proposal or draft text boxes of key areas to be included on CCAs updates and to UNSDCF.
How to apply
Apply through the below link:
Expired Deadline
Thursday, 31. Aug 2023
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Research & Studies