SOS Children’s Villages in Lebanon invites qualified suppliers to submit proposals for the supply of IT Equipment. The organization is seeking a reliable supplier with a proven track record of providing high-quality goods/service at competitive prices. The successful vendor will be responsible for supplying IT Equipment for all SOS Children’s Villages and SOS National Office. The scope of work for this tender includes - but not limited to - the supply of the IT equipment mentioned in the BOQ.

  1.  Required documents

The bidder shall provide the following documents (SOS might request additional documents):

    1. Registration Certificate of the company
    2. Registration in the ministry of finance
    3. VAT registration certificate
    4. Company profile
    5. List of NGOs customer if applicable
    6. Equipment data sheets
    7. Warrantees and after-sales support details
    8. Technical catalogues
    9. Detailed Bill of Quantities
  1. Services to be provided
  1. Free Delivery of Goods
  2. The supplier must also provide support and maintenance services for the laptops for at least one year from the date of delivery.

The supplier must be an authorized seller of laptops/IT equipment in Lebanon

How to apply

  1. Special conditions
  1. All bids must be submitted in sealed envelope showing the project name, bidder’s name, phone number and email to SOS HQ, Beirut, Sin El Fil, Monseigneur Shebli street, SOS building, 3rd floor.

Note: All pages should be stamped and signed.

  1. Approved Bidders should sign SOS Child safeguarding policy and code of conduct.
  1. Terms of payment

SOS Children’s Villages Lebanon shall pay for the goods/services using a Fresh USD Check or Fresh USD bank transfer. The payment shall be made within 1 week from receiving the Goods/Services. Any costs related to the payment - including bank charges or other fees - will be borne by SOS.

  1. Contact Person

For any clarification or questions, an email should be sent to:

SOS Lebanon – Procurement and Logistics Coordinator – Bilal Itani –

and to copy

SOS Lebanon – Finance & Controlling Manager – Rana Dbouk -

SOS LebanonICT ManagerMaroun

Wednesday, 22. Mar 2023
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth