Semeurs d’Avenir (SDA), association created in 2010, is the operational partner of the IECD. As part of its partnership with IECD, SDA implements projects in the field of entrepreneurship, education, training, and professional integration.

BINA was created in 2021. The aim of this project is to enhance socio-professional integration of vulnerable populations while training them on a site in order for them to become apprentices in a trade of their choosing. BINA specializes in heritage preservation and energy efficiency/construction techniques. This project targets beneficiaries from vulnerable backgrounds, with ages varying from 18 to 35.

As part of the Hammam Al Nouri restoration project, IECD and SDA seek to subcontract qualified landscape subcontractors to treat the vegetation growth affecting the Hammam before launching the restoration works and associated training activities. The vegetation treatment is critical to ensuring the structural stability and preventing further deterioration of the building.

The selected subcontractor will conduct vegetation treatment at Hammam Al Nouri, located in the old city of Tripoli. The task involves removing vegetation and transportation and disposal of all residues and debris.

How to apply

Technical proposal:

Interested companies and subcontractors are invited to submit their proposal in English based on the TOR, the proposal should include:

  • Curriculum Vitae (including CVs/portfolio)
  • List of similar projects (with photos or method statements used) and clients
  • Company profile
  • Certificate of business registration, certificate of incorporation, business license (Commercial circular & Commercial Register)
  • ID of authorized Signatory
  • Certified copy of tax registration (MOF and VAT document if available)

Financial proposal:

A detailed financial offer that includes all fees or expenditures; the financial offer should include the payment methods and all the information needed for payments.

The quotation proposal can only be sent upon visiting the site on 05/December/2024 at 11:00 am, in the presence of an IECD team member.

For inquiries and for proposal submission, kindly share your email to:

Monday, 09. Dec 2024
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):