The Rene Moawad Foundation is launching a tender to receive solicit competitive offers for Cherry and Apples rootstocks and Grafted Apple Seedlings under SADDER project.

About Rene Moawad Foundation (RMF) 

The Rene Moawad Foundation (RMF) was established in 1991 with the Mission of Promoting social, economic and rural development in Lebanon and the MENA region and contributing in building a responsible civil society that promotes democratic values, justice, pluralism and moderation. RMF works in 5 core areas including Livelihood and Economic Growth, Decentralization and Governance, Health and Social Safety Net, Education and Protection and Agriculture. 


About “SADDER” 

SADDER - Sustainable Agricultural Development to Diversify and Export Regionally (2023-2027) is a project funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and implemented by the Rene Moawad Foundation (RMF). 

"SADDER" will incorporate enhanced methodologies and best practices. It will aim to support Lebanon's economy through the agriculture sector by assisting stakeholders within the selected value chains, Table Grapes, Avocados, Cherries, and Apples, in meeting both local and export market requirements, ultimately leading to increased income, self-sustainability of various agricultural sectors, as well as job creation and retention. 


Purpose of the Tender

The purpose of this Tender is to solicit competitive offers for Cherry and Apples rootstocks and Grafted Apple Seedlings. The goods required and their technical specification by RMF are described in the Annex: (Excel file with


The Annex constitutes of an excel file with 3 sheets:

  1. Financial Proposal (FP) SADRPM028
  2. Technical Requirements
  3. BOQ & Tree Specification


RMF reserves the right to negotiate, accept or reject any or all proposals and quotations at its sole discretion and to pursue or act further on any responses it considers advantageous. RMF does not bind itself to accept the lowest prices or any proposal. All proposals will be irrevocable after the tender's closing date.


Eligibility, Participation, and subcontracting

Participation in tendering is open on equal terms to any natural and legal persons or company provided the bidder is registered as a Corporation in Lebanon or with Legal Representation in Lebanon. Tenders should take into consideration DDP incoterm deliveries in Lebanon.



Offers, all correspondence and documents related to the tender exchanged by the bidder and the RMF must be written in English.

Supporting documents and printed literature that the bidder provides may be in another language, provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation into English.

For the purposes of interpretation of the tender, the version in English will prevail.


Offer Validity

Bidders are bound by their tenders for a period of a minimum of sixty (60) days after the deadline for submitting tenders. In exceptional cases, before the period of validity expires, RMF may ask bidders to extend the period for a specific number of days, which may not exceed thirty (30) days.


Scope of Works

The awarded supplier should supply the goods in the timing requested while maintaining the provision of the same quality of items based on the datasheets approved.


Budget and Payment Terms: 

 The offer should include a detailed breakdown of all prices, and any other tools that may be recommended by the applicant. Anything that is optional or can be offered on top of what was requested above, shall be marked separately, and proposed as add-ons with a separate price in the “OTHER ITEM SPECIFICATION” section of the BOQ_Financial Proposal.


The total price for the offered goods and services is <##,###.##> <USD >. This price includes VAT. The offered price includes the execution/delivery of the items described in the technical offer, as well as all the related incidental costs, such as transport, logistics, etc., when required. 

All costs incurred by the bidder in preparing and submitting the tender are not reimbursable. All such costs will be borne by the bidder.


RMF shall generally make payment through banking channels (Payment Order or Bank Transfer) to the selected bidder between 3 to 4 weeks upon receipt of the following documents and any other documents/reports that may be specified in the Contract, to be sent directly to RMF:

    1. Invoice
    2. Delivery Note
    3. signed Goods Received Note (by RMF representatives and Supplier)


Evaluation Criteria: 

The items will be evaluated based on the specifications requested. The financial offer will be evaluated only for the accepted tenders who passed the technical evaluation.

Evaluation and Selection criteria will be divided as follows: Technical 25%, Financial 75%.  


Type of Contract

The awarded contract will be a fixed-price sales contract. The quantity in the BOQ and the total quantity will be requested to be delivered in 1 single batch per the technical specifications.

Noting that the official commitment from RMF for the supply of the goods will be through and governed by the terms of the RMF Purchase Order (PO), The PO will be provided based on the orders under this Agreement. 

Each PO must be signed by an authorized RMF signatory per the specimen signature list attached.  Upon receipt of an approved original PO the Supplier will deliver the items within 1 week or as stated on the PO.


Force Majeure

Given the volatile situation in the region, the implementation of the Long-Term Agreement or the delivery of the services might be canceled or modified due to the event of force majeure like changes in rules and regulations of Lebanon, military operations, natural disasters, etc. In such a case, RMF has the right to cancel/ terminate the contract or suspend deliveries until it is possible.


Submission Part – Requested Documents

The Bidder must provide sufficient information in the proposal to demonstrate compliance with the requirements set out in this proposal.

The offer should include the tenderer’s information (legal entity name, address, commercial registration number, financial registration number, contact person), the technical and financial offer as per guidelines below.


Appendix A – Technical Proposal


The technical proposal should include the following:

  • RFQ completed and stamped (attached)
  • Company registration documents
  • Datasheet of all the items listed in the BOQ, signed
  • Commercial Register Certificate
  • Certificate of Registration at Ministry of Finance
  • Copy of the ID of the representative/owner of the company


Along with the procurement of CHERRY AND APPLES ROOTSTOCKS, the following services are required and should be included in the technical proposal and financial proposal where applicable:

  • The selected bidder is required to provide storage facilities, including cold storage if needed, until the items are required for use.
  • Delivery of items is expected for the December 2024 and will occur before December 15, 2024, methdology of delivery will be agreed upon with vendor upon contract signature.


Appendix B – Financial Proposal



All costs and charges of goods and services mentioned in the technical proposal should be included in the financial proposal.

Failure to provide all the above may result in disqualification of the proposal.


How to apply


Questions and Clarifications: 

 All questions or request for clarifications to be sent by email to the following address:

[] specifying the email subject as:


The applicants shall submit any questions in writing within 4 days of the launch of the RFQ and shall receive answers 2 working days after. 

All questions and answers will be shared with all applicants.


Bidders should send their Technical and Financial offers to and and mention in the email subject the Call Title:

