Helping Disabled People And Children Affected By The War In South Of Lebanon

The current organization is on 500 meters square area incorporating all the units and the activities of the PADC in addition to the specialized hearing center that was currently funded and opened by the Japanese Embassy.
The organization is currently facing over-crowding, lack of space in establishing new activities and restriction of expansion of the Happy Child School.
It should be noted that the community in the Nabatieh and South of Lebanon lacks for practical training sessions, workshops and integrated disability programs for the persons with special needs and their families.

Overall Objectives: 
Provide more healthcare services for cluster bomb and mine victims. Activate the CTM project in our organization and enhance sustainability of all activities. Establish a center with a civilized architectural design that meets the concerns of the mine and cluster bomb victims. Enhance socio-economic situation of new disabled victims in the South of Lebanon. Provide new skills and materials to enhance the work of the organization and to develop projects with CTM partners in order to establish new disability services.
The solution would be through the expansion of the current physical premises of the organization that would provide suitable healthcare services for the cluster bomb and mine victims in a sustained environment .
Start Date
Thu, 15/03/2007 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations