Awareness For International Day For Disabled Persons - December 3

The Center has managed the activities with their professional staff.
The project has targeted approximately 55,000 people in Nabatiye through posters, brochures, stickers and flower distribution at checkpoints in major intersections of Nabatiye Downtown, Mahanieh, Dar el Moulimin, & Hassan Kemel el Sabbah and vans parking.
The selection is based on reaching as many as the local population as possible that s why we split the Check point into 2 to cover two ways on the road.
The Disabled will benefit from this because they will have shown the population the Rights of the Disabled and the population will have a greater awareness.

Overall Objectives: 
To mark the International Day for Disabled Persons throughout Nabatiye. To promote integration of Persons with Disabilities with the general population. To provide an opportunity for the Students of the Center to promote their Legal Rights.
Flowers Checkpoints and distributing brochures and stickers. The number of checkpoints has become 10 because we each one into two. Distribution posters in public schools and public area Distributing brochures about the Rights of the Disabled here in Lebanon. Distributing Stickers. Lecture in Rahma School.
Start Date
Wed, 06/12/2006 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations