Mapping of Civil Society Organizations - Expression of Interest

NPA is conducting an outreach for NGOS/CBOs/CSOs in the all districts (Qada) of Lebanon including Palestinian camps.  

How to apply

Interested organizations can apply by submitting an expression of interest (template below) to [email protected] and [email protected] by the 26th of February 2021 at 12:00PM.  Emails should be entitled: “NPA Expression of Interest.” Any emails which do not use this title or received after the deadline may not be considered. Expression of Interest can be submitted in either English or Arabic. Organizations that meet the eligibility criteria mentioned above will be added to the NPA partner database for future potential collaborations.  

For any questions or relevant additional information please contact Joseph Feghali at [email protected]

Check attached Application to choose between English and Arabic form to be submitted.

Saturday, 20. Feb 2021
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Development, Gender issues, Human Rights & Protection, Labor & Livelihoods, Women Status & Issues