Young & Women In Conflict With The Law

Prisons in Lebanon are tough and rough places of detention, with unfortunately no focus on the rehabilitation of convicted individuals - including minors - in preparation for their future alternatives.

Mouvement Social has been actively involved in prisons since 1993, leading many interventions to support convicted juveniles in getting back to normal life after serving their sentences.


Overall Objectives: 
Our work also addresses women detainees, of whom many are foreign house aids coming from African or Asian countries. Our teams have successfully accompanied 265 children in Roumieh prison and 213 women in Barbar El Khazen prison during the year 2021 alone. The Mouvement Social prisons programs are run in collaboration with funding agencies and international organizations including ARCS, and Christian Aid. We also collaborate with the Lebanese Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Social Affairs, and we work with the Ministry of Interior on addressing prisons’ overcrowding.
Start Date
Fri, 01/01/1993 - 10:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Law & Legal Affairs
Project Location:
Fax: +961 1 387 736
Collaboration with Other Organisations