Terms Of Reference For Consultancy Services For Program Evaluation

The purpose of this program evaluation is to assess the relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness of the NVSP processes and procedures for achieving the program goals and overall objectives. The program evaluation will focus on all the activities carried out as part of the program’s three components. However, the evaluation will exclude the second call for proposals in component 2 from its scope and analysis. Hence, the evaluation will address the following:

Detailed description of how the NVSP in its three different components (excluding the second CfP) is operating in reality, based on direct observations in the field and in comparison with program design and operational guidelines described in key program documents --i.e. NVSP results chain, SGP operational manual, etc.; Evaluation of the institutional and organizational structure of the NVSP program; Measurements of key attributes of processes and implementation using different technical methods, such as quality, efficiency, relevance, sustainability, effectiveness, etc.[1]; Identification of key program strengths and weaknesses, as well as risks, challenges, and opportunities in the light of its prospective continuation/scaling up; Recommendations on how to improve the design and/or operational processes of the program to increase its efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability.

Friday, 15. Jul 2016
Type of Call
Intervention Sector(s):