Provision of Local Breed Goats for Farmers in Akkar - ITB-SHABAKE2023TRI44

Tender Number: SHABAKE2023TRI44

Mada Association, hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Authority (CA) invites qualified and eligible vendors, to make a firm offer for the provision of local breed goats for farmers in Daouret Akkar, and Fneidek.

The contracted vendor will be chosen based on the most competitive price aligning with the specifications requested by the call.

Offers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Time for delivery (0/20)

Financial Score (0/80)


.تدعو جمعية مدى، والمشار إليها فيما بعد بهيئة التعاقد، البائعين المؤهلين والمؤهلين لتقديم عرض مؤكد لتوزيع الماعز المحلي للمزارعين في منطقتي دورة عكار وفنيدق

سيتم اختيار البائع المتعاقد بناءً على السعر الأكثر تنافسية والذي يتوافق مع المواصفات التي تطلبها المناقصة

:سيتم تقييم العروض بناءً على المعايير التالية

وقت التسليم (0/20)

النتيجة المالية (0/80)

How to apply

To receive the Invitation to Bid and related mandatory annexes, please send an email to by May 27, 2024. Please indicate in the e-mail subject field only the following: ITB-SHABAKE2023TRI44

Note: Any application documents received from the Bidder through e-mail will result in disqualification.

Tuesday, 11. Jun 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Agriculture, Development