ITB-ECHO2024TRI01 - Supply and Distribution of livestock (Goats and sheep) for households In Mazarea Jabal Akroum, Machta Hammoud and Wadi Khaled - Akkar

Tender Number: ECHO2024TRI01

Mada Association invites qualified and eligible vendors, to make a firm offer for the supply and distribution of livestock (Goats and sheep) for households located in Mazarea Jabal Akroum, Machta Hammoud and Wadi Khaled – North Lebanon.

The selected Vendor will sign a Framework Contract for a duration of 6 months for the Supply and distribution of approximately, 62-120 heads of livestocks (Goats/and sheep) divided into Mazarea Jabal Akroum, Machta Hammoud and Wadi Khaled villages as follows:

Project: Cash-plus assistance to support socio-economically vulnerable households meet their basic needs and withstand future shocks in Akkar Governorate.

Project Code: ECHO/SYR/BUD/2024/91022

How to apply

To receive the Invitation to Bid and related mandatory annexes, please send an email to by January 23, 2025. Please indicate in the e-mail subject field only the following: ITB-ECHO2024TRI01

Note: Any application documents received from the Bidder through e-mail will result in disqualification

Tuesday, 28. Jan 2025
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Agriculture, Development