LWR requests concept papers from interested organizations to fund a project that supports Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees, as part of LWR’s broader response to the current crisis. LWR is interested in identifying partners who want to collaborate on the project design and implementation, and are open to capacity building and technical support from LWR’s Emergency Operations and Middle East regional teams. We are seeking to build a long-term partnership with local organizations and expand our own understanding of the local context through this project.
Our recommended sector areas for concept notes include:
• Livelihoods, including cash-for-work
o Need to provide support for how this will build toward sustainable results and transportable skills
o Would also need to demonstrate market linkage and a clear understanding of the market dynamics
o Agricultural livelihoods are of specific interest
• Protection (including elderly, child protection, GBV)
• Social cohesion
• Psychosocial support can be integrated into any of the above.
• ICT to improve the living conditions of refugees and host communities
Geography: open to anywhere in Lebanon, but proposals will be evaluated based on need and clearly identifying a gap where other actors are not present.
Target Population: Includes host communities and Syrian refugees. Should be based on makeup of local population, needs assessment of vulnerable households, and consider social cohesion (i.e. not focusing too heavily on any one population to the exclusion of another). Project designs must be gender integrated and must describe how they will identify and address the differing constraints which women and men (or girls and boys) face in order to make the changes or achieve the impact sought by the project. Projects should prioritize, and measure, that all participants have equitable access to participation and benefits offered by the project.

Thursday, 09. Nov 2017
Type of Call
Intervention Sector(s):