The twentieth edition April 2010.
-       Contents:
-       Preface
-       Table of contents
-       Folder:
                                 ·            Ten years in waiting for the application of the law
                                 ·            The visits of the union to the ministries
-       Law
                                 ·            The ministerial statement and civil society
-       Report:
                                 ·            Disabled mothers…to accomplish a challenge
-       Talent and occupation:
                                 ·            Straw creations
-       Cooperation
                                 ·            Protocol of agreement with international society
-       Issues
                                 ·            The urban economy and crises
-       Development
-       Activities and participations
-       Reporting
-       I read to you
-       Our Voice
-       Tourism
-       Different writers
-       Conclusion

Lebanese Union for People with Physical Disabilities
Publishing Date: 
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Resource Type: 
Newsletter and/or Periodical
Disability & Special Needs
Disability & Special Needs
In Association with: 
MPDL, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion, AECID, LPHU