Request For Quotation (Refreshment) - RFQ/LECORVAW/2023/003

The Lebanese Council to Resist Violence Against Woman (LECORVAW), is local NGO at Tripoli, looks towards a society free of all forms of violence governed by democratic relations between the family members and within the society as a whole, a society that ensures equality, justice and dignity to all its citizens where all members of this society can live equally in a democratic environment free of all forms of violence and discrimination.

LECORVAW invites qualified companies to submit a quotation for providing "Refreshments" before the deadline on 9 February 2023 at 4:00 pm.

Bid will be accepted if they submit the following legal papers:

  1. Certificate of registration/incorporation
  2. VAT registration certificate
  3. Vendor Registration Form (PDF)

Bid will be accepted if they submit the following technical papers:

  1. Sample
  2. Option to keep some of the stock in the shop
  3. Expiry date exceeding 1 year


How to apply

Submission Modality:

LECORVAW invites interested suppliers to submit two files by email or at our office, one for the Legal  & Technical papers and one for the Financial (RFQ attached).

If you wish to deliver the 2 files to our office, you are kindly requested to pass by our address: “Tripoli – Amin Mokadem Street – Abed Al Wahab building – Second Floor “ between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm from Monday to Friday and the Contact person is Ms. Samira Al Ech where the two files will be deposited into LECORVAW Tender Box. Please make sure that the proposal must be submitted in the format of two sealed envelopes marked “LECORVAW - Refreshments– Legal &Technical Proposal” and “Refreshments – Financial Proposal”

If you wish to send the 2 files by email, The proposal must be sent to the below contacts and please make sure that the proposal must be submitted in the format of two zipped files marked “LECORVAW - Refreshments– Legal &Technical Proposal” and “Refreshments– Financial Proposal” (PDF)

Contact Emails:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

General Rules/Guidelines:

No proposal will be accepted after this time. The LECORVAW reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the offers according to the bid evaluation and is not bound to accept the lowest bid.

All Bids received in pencil will be disqualified.

Evaluation of Bids:

All Bids received and accepted will be evaluated on a ‘line item’ basis as follows:

  1. Legal Evaluation: Evaluated to ensure compliance with all legal requirements. Only the ones that meets the requirements will progress onto the “Technical Evaluation”.
  2. Technical Evaluation (50%): Evaluated to ensure compliance with all the RFQ requirements and to ensure that all Bids and calculations are readable and acceptable. The ones that meets the requirements will be considered as “responsive” and progress onto the ‘Financial Evaluation’. ‘Non-responsive’ bids will no longer be under consideration at this stage.
  3. Financial Evaluation (50%): All ‘Responsive’ Bids will undergo a Financial Evaluation.

Contract Award

Under the ‘best value for money’ principle, LECORVAW will award the contract(s) (LECORVAW Purchase Order or Service Contract) to the ‘lowest responsive bid’ except where other considerations are warranted. These other considerations can be – total cost of ownership; cost of on-going consumables; price vs warranty; quality vs price.

RFQ Enquires

All inquiries and questions should be addressed to: [email protected] & [email protected] & [email protected]

Thursday, 09. Feb 2023
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Gender issues, Human Rights & Protection