Call for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the implementation of the HIV component under the Middle East Response (MER) Project to Fight Tuberculosis (TB), HIV, and Malaria

Engaging Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the implementation of the HIV component under the Middle East Response Project (MER) to Fight Tuberculosis (TB), HIV, and Malaria.

Issuing Agency

International Organization for Migration-UN Migration Agency (IOM)

Project Background

IOM in coordination with the National AIDS and Tuberculosis Control programs (NTP/NAP) is willing to engage with CSOs to implement HIV activities under the fourth cycle of the Middle East Response Project (MER4) to Fight TB, HIV, and Malaria. Implemented activities should focus on HIV testing, prevention, and linkage to treatment strategies targeting key and vulnerable populations (KVPs) in Lebanon. Recognizing that the Middle East region is a Challenging Operating Environment (COE), characterized by acute emergencies, large refugee/internally displaced populations, and declining economic strength, the project adopts a tailored, community-centered, right-based approach to health service delivery.

The MER framework, approved in 2015, consolidates grants for core countries including Lebanon under one integrated platform. This unified governance and management system aims to provide essential HIV, TB, and malaria services while strategically strengthening the health system in select countries. Under MER4, a differentiated implementation approach seeks to expand program coverage and achieve a greater impact in the community and the national health system.

In Lebanon, two thematic CSOs specializing in HIV will be contracted to implement activities as per the approved budget under the Global Fund grant. By leveraging the unique capabilities of CSOs, this project emphasizes community-led approaches to address the needs of KVPs and enhance accessibility to essential HIV services.


Expected Results

Project Scope and Key Interventions

The initiative will involve CSOs in providing HIV-related services in Lebanon, with a focus on prevention, testing, and linkage to treatment. It also aims to increase access to essential services for vulnerable and high-risk groups, thus reducing HIV prevalence and building resilience within affected communities. Activities will be carried out in accordance with the national and regional health strategies to ensure cohesion and effectiveness. CSOs are also expected to integrate TB services into their work to provide a unified community approach in coordination with the NTP/NAP.

CSOs are invited to apply through this Call for Expression of Interest to implement tailored interventions, each with specific scopes and budgets ensuring a comprehensive and targeted approach to addressing the health challenges faced by the KVPs including migrants, refugees, and people in penitentiary settings.

Two CSOs will be selected based on the components below. Each CSO will be allowed to subcontract several partners to support the implementation of activities. Please refer to the detailed activities outlined in Annex J.


Each CSO will be required to collect, analyze, and report all requested data on a monthly and quarterly basis, adhering to the donor's specified format.

A. CSO 1:

This CSO will deliver:

1. HIV Prevention Package for Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)

The CSO should implement a comprehensive HIV prevention package targeting MSM and their sexual partners, including the distribution of condoms and lubricants through wider and more discreet channels. A mobile app should be developed for education on safe sex and condom ordering. The initiative should focus on increasing access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), raising awareness, training healthcare providers, and partnering with healthcare institutions. Additionally, the CSO should develop culturally sensitive communication materials and leverage social media.

  • Deliverable 1.1: Distribute condoms and lubricants discreetly to MSM and their sexual partners.
  • Deliverable 1.2: Increase access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) through awareness campaigns and healthcare provider training.
  • Deliverable 1.3: Develop culturally sensitive communication materials and leverage social media for outreach.
  • Deliverable 1.4: Partner with healthcare institutions to deliver integrated sexual health services.
  • Deliverable 1.5: Develop a mobile app for safe sex education and condom ordering.
  • Deliverable 1.6: Coordinate with NAP to link PLHIV to treatment and do the viral load monitoring.


Other Interventions to be Included


2. Reducing Human Rights Barriers to HIV/TB Services

The CSO should engage in community mobilization to reduce stigma and discrimination related to TB/HIV, involving key community leaders and media. Capacity-building efforts for journalists, healthcare providers, and CSOs should be prioritized, alongside workshops on legal rights and advocacy for policy reforms. The CSO should also support the establishment of legal aid services and enhance patient rights education.

  • Deliverable 2.1.1: Mobilize communities to reduce stigma and discrimination around HIV/TB.
  • Deliverable 2.1.2: Build the capacity of journalists, healthcare providers, and CSOs to address human rights barriers.
  • Deliverable 2.1.3: Conduct workshops on legal rights and advocacy for policy reforms.
  • Deliverable 2.1.4: Establish legal aid services and enhance education on patient rights.
  • Deliverable 2.1.5: Conduct community-led monitoring of human right violations.

Differentiated HIV Testing Services

The CSO should implement HIV testing services for key populations (KP) and vulnerable groups, including the training of lay providers and conducting targeted awareness campaigns. Activities will include establishing testing in family planning/KP-friendly clinics, organizing mobile testing units, and developing self-testing programs. Healthcare workers will be trained to provide non-discriminatory and confidential testing, and individuals who test positive will be linked to care services.

  • Deliverable 2.2.1: Train lay providers and healthcare workers to conduct non-discriminatory HIV testing.
  • Deliverable 2.2.2: Organize targeted awareness campaigns and mobile testing units.
  • Deliverable 2.2.3: Develop and implement self-testing programs.
  • Deliverable 2.2.4: Link individuals who test positive to care services.


Treatment, Care and Support: Integrated Management of Co-infections and Co-morbidities
The CSO will focus on outreach and education campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of screening and treatment for co-infections among people living with HIV. This will involve community engagement efforts to promote awareness of common co-infections and co-morbidities, particularly among high-risk groups.


  • Deliverable 2.3.1: Conduct outreach and education campaigns to promote screening and treatment for co-infections.
  • Deliverable 2.3.2: Engage communities to raise awareness about co-infections and co-morbidities, particularly among high-risk groups.
  • Deliverable 2.3.3: Coordinate with NAP to link PLHIV to treatment and do the viral load monitoring.


Total Budget: Up to USD 30,000

Implementation Period: February 2025 – December 2025


B. CSO 2:


This CSO will implement:

1. HIV Prevention Package for Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)

Included in the above section.


2. HIV Prevention Package for Prisoners and Closed Settings

The CSO should develop culturally sensitive IEC (Information, Education, and Communication) materials for prisoners and prison staff, promote HIV awareness through peer educators, and train prison health personnel in integrated sexual health services. Harm reduction training should be provided for prison staff, and post-violence counseling and referral services should be implemented.

  • Deliverable 2.1: Create culturally sensitive IEC materials for prisoners and prison staff.
  • Deliverable 2.2: Train prison health personnel in integrated sexual health services.
  • Deliverable 2.3: Provide harm reduction training for prison staff and implement post-violence counseling and referral services.
  • Deliverable 2.4: Coordinate with NAP to link PLHIV to treatment and do the viral load monitoring.

3. HIV Prevention Package for Sex Workers and Clients

The CSO should implement a comprehensive HIV prevention package for sex workers, their clients, and sexual partners, including the distribution of condoms and lubricants through non-traditional outlets. The initiative should also focus on increasing awareness about PrEP and building partnerships for its distribution. Peer outreach, demand generation, and capacity development of NGOs will be essential.

  • Deliverable 3.1: Distribute condoms and lubricants through non-traditional outlets.
  • Deliverable 3.2: Increase awareness about PrEP and establish partnerships for its distribution.
  • Deliverable 3.3: Conduct peer outreach and demand generation campaigns.
  • Deliverable 3.4: Build NGO capacity for implementing prevention activities.
  • Deliverable 3.5: Coordinate with NAP to link PLHIV to treatment and do the viral load monitoring.


4. HIV Prevention Package for Other Vulnerable Populations (OVP)

The CSO should implement a comprehensive prevention package for OVPs, focusing on the distribution of condoms, lubricants, and self-testing kits through various platforms. A mobile app should be developed for education on safe sex and condom ordering. Demand generation through peer outreach and training of healthcare providers on PrEP will be prioritized. The CSO should also ensure the delivery of mobile health units, HIV testing, and referral services in remote areas.

  • Deliverable 4.1: Distribute condoms, lubricants, and self-testing kits through various platforms.
  • Deliverable 4.2: Develop a mobile app for safe sex education and condom ordering.
  • Deliverable 4.3: Conduct peer outreach and train healthcare providers on PrEP.
  • Deliverable 4.4: Deploy mobile health units for HIV testing and referral services in remote areas.
  • Deliverable 4.5: Coordinate with NAP to link PLHIV to treatment and do the viral load monitoring.


5. Other Interventions to be Included

  • Reducing Human Rights Barriers to HIV/TB Services

Included in the above section.

  • Differentiated HIV Testing Services 

Included in the above section.


  • ​​​​​​​Treatment, Care and Support: Integrated Management of Co-infections and Co-morbidities

Included in the above section.


  • ​​​​​​​Elimination of Vertical Transmission of HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis B

The CSO should engage in community mobilization to support post-natal infant prophylaxis, emphasizing the importance of early infant diagnosis and follow-up HIV testing for exposed infants. Capacity-building efforts for healthcare workers should be prioritized to strengthen their skills in administering post-natal prophylaxis. The CSO should also support the development or updating of tools and job aids for routine and enhanced prophylaxis, ensuring comprehensive care for high-risk HIV-exposed infants.

  • Deliverable 5.4.1: Mobilize communities to support post-natal infant prophylaxis and early diagnosis.
  • Deliverable 5.4.2: Build the capacity of healthcare workers to administer post-natal prophylaxis.
  • Deliverable 5.4.3: Engage CSOs in promoting early infant diagnosis and follow-up HIV testing.
  • Deliverable 5.4.4: Develop or update tools and job aids for routine and enhanced prophylaxis for high-risk HIV-exposed infants.


Total Budget: Up to USD 115,000
Implementation Period: February 2025 – December 2025


Indicative Budget

            The total project budget for this call is up to USD145,000 for one year and will be allocated across two CSOs for implementing the projects’ interventions. Funds will be distributed based on deliverables, with payments disbursed in installments based on the agreed work plan. Staff and office budgets should not exceed 20% of the grant.

Other Information

Eligible CSOs must submit one Expression of Interest specifying the package. The selected CSO will work closely with IOM and its’ partners throughout the implementation phase, with continuous monitoring and supervision provided by IOM focal point.


Selection Criteria




Alignment with Project Objectives

  • Proposals must demonstrate a clear work plan to deliver essential HIV services.


Technical Approach

  • Submissions should present a detailed plan for implementing all the activities mentioned in this EOI.


Organizational Experience and expertise

  • Applicants must showcase a proven track record in delivering health services, particularly HIV interventions, with demonstrated experience working with KPVs.
  • Proposals should highlight expertise in community outreach and engagement to effectively reach and connect with these groups.


Cultural Sensitivity and Competence

  • Organizations should demonstrate the capacity to work with diverse vulnerable populations, reflecting an understanding of the unique needs and challenges of different communities affected by TB and people living with HIV.


Commitment to Equity

  • Submissions must outline strategies to address gender, cultural, and economic barriers to key and vulnerable populations.


Confidentiality and Ethical Standards

  • Proposals must ensure adherence to strict confidentiality standards and ethical guidelines when handling sensitive health information.


Sustainability and Collaboration

  • Evidence of collaboration with IOM, NTP/NAP and local stakeholders to demonstrate potential for long-term impact.


Budget Efficiency

  • Proposals must show the ability to maximize impact within the allocated budget while maintaining high-quality service delivery.


Registration and Credentialing

  • Applicants must be registered in Lebanon and credentialed to conduct the activities outlined in the work plan.






ANNEX A – Terms of Reference

ANNEX B - Implementing Partner References Checklist

ANNEX C - Implementing Partners General Information Questionnaire

ANNEX D - Concept Note Template

ANNEX E - Financial and Narrative Reporting Templates

ANNEX F - Project Implementation Agreement Template

ANNEX G – Declaration of Conformity for Partners

ANNEX H- IP Financial Assessment Template

ANNEX I- Vendor Information Sheet

ANNEX J-Detailed Activities

ANNEX K- IOM Data Protection Principles


For more information on this partnership opportunity, and to apply, please visit (Insert IOM website portal)


The organizations responding to this call need to demonstrate their capacity to implement all listed activities as a single package. Partial applications for individual activities will not be considered.

IOM reserves the right to cancel/reduce the scope of planned activities or to introduce new/broaden the scope of the existing activities. Selected Implementing partner needs to be ready to develop a detailed budget based on submitted proposal in two weeks upon receiving the notification from IOM.

All applicants will receive written notification, within the two weeks after the deadline for the submission of Concept Note, of the outcome of the selection process. Should an applicant request further clarification, IOM will provide a response explaining the transparency and integrity of the selection process undertaken.

IOM reserves the right to decline disclosure of the specificity of decision derived by the IOM mission due to reasons related to confidentiality.

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Expression of Interest, and to annul the selection process and reject all Expression of Interest at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing Partners.

For more information, please contact in writing (

How to apply


Expression of Interest submission guidelines

This document contains instructions on the preparation and submission of the Application including Annex A: IP Information.

  1. The Application must be submitted through mail to IOM with office address at ( no later than 26 January 2025. Late Application will no longer be considered.
  2. Please include the specific package (CSO1 or CSO2) you are applying for in your application.
  3. A detailed description must be provided on how the requirements specified in the Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) issued by IOM will be matched by the capabilities, experience, knowledge and expertise of the Implementing Partners
  4. The Application must be submitted in the English language and in the format prescribed by IOM within the CEI. All required information must be provided, responding clearly and concisely to all the points set out. Any application which does not fully and comprehensively address this CEI requirements may be rejected.
  5. The Application document should comprise of the following:
    1. Cover Letter;
    2. Duly accomplished application documentation as outlined within the CEI signed on all pages by the prospective Implementing Partner’s Authorized Representative; and
    3. Any other relevant documents
  6. Applications may be modified or withdrawn in writing, prior to the closing time specified in this Request for EoI. Applications shall not be modified or withdrawn after the deadline.
  7. The Implementing partner shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Application and IOM will not in any case be responsible and liable for the costs incurred.
  8. IOM at no occasion will ask an application fee from Implementing Partners.
  9. Partners can use IOM's We Are All In platform for reporting fraud, corruption or misconduct.  
  10. All information given in writing to or verbally shared with the Implementing Partners in connection with this CEI is to be treated as strictly confidential. The Implementing Partner shall not share or invoke such information to any third party without the prior written approval of IOM. This obligation shall continue after the selection process has been completed whether or not the Implementing Partner application is successful.
  11. IOM will treat all information (or that marked proprietary/sensitive/financial) received from Implementing Partners as confidential and any personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Principles.
  12. The Implementing Partner, by submitting an application, gives consent to IOM to share information with those who need to know for the purposes of evaluating and managing the proposal.
  13. By submitting the application/expression of interest, the applicant confirms adherence to IOM’s Declaration of Conformity Form and acknowledges receipt of the list of Proscribed Practices (enclosed).

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Application, and to cancel the process and reject all Applications, at any time without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing Partner or any obligation to inform the affected Implementing partner of the

Sunday, 26. Jan 2025
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):