Implementation of vulnerabilities and gender inequalities reduction projects
The multiple crises that have impacted Lebanon for several years have led to a serious deterioration in the standard of living of the population and increased the risks of economic, social, and political instability in the country. With the onset of the Syrian crisis in March 2011, over one million people had to seek refuge in Lebanon. This influx of refugees has had significant human, social, economic, and political repercussions and has weakened the structures of assistance to fragile populations. The last two years have been marked by the collapse of the economy, the October 2019 protests, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Port of Beirut explosion. This accelerated series of social, economic, and humanitarian crises has led to a dramatic increase in poverty levels among displaced populations and vulnerable host communities.
Local NGOs play an essential role in crisis contexts in Lebanon, through their proximity to the most vulnerable populations and their presence in the most affected areas of the country. Their activities contribute to improving access to basic services in a context of saturation of public services. They also play a key role in strengthening social cohesion with the growing risk of community tensions. Promoting their role and strengthening their capacities remains a major lever for the sustainability of crisis response actions in the country and has been a key objective for the SHABAKE project implemented in Lebanon by Expertise France since 2019.
The second phase of the project, “SHABAKE 2” pursues the same objective which is to build the capacities of local NGOs to play an active role in the development of Lebanon and respond to the series of crises affecting the country, mainly through three components: (i) Vulnerabilities-reduction project (VRP), (ii) developing local NGOs capacities and integrating partners into the aid ecosystem, as well as (iii) promoting the aid localization agenda in Lebanon. Reflecting on the lessons learned from the first phase and allowing greater adaptation to the current crisis context in Lebanon, SHABAKE 2 will focus even more on the rapid and concrete effects that could be achieved on the ground through the awarded grants. Partner NGOs’ capacity development will be oriented towards empowering them to properly implement the awarded grants and respond to the multiple crisis that affected vulnerable population in Lebanon.
As stated within recent assessments reports and crisis response plan documents1, the recent multiple crisis has led to even greater gender inequity. Women are more vulnerable to the devastating effects of the economic crisis looking specifically at issues of job loss and unemployment. The reduction of gender inequality and education, and the empowerment of women and girls are central to Shabake project and therefore a priority for this call for projects.
For a lasting impact, the Shabake project will promote NGOs’ collaboration with municipalities and cooperation among technically-sound NGOs to ensure better learning and dialogue on ways for reducing vulnerabilities. A greater effort will be exerted to ensure a broader awareness among potential partners of the project across Lebanon, by deploying a network of field agents who will also have the role of providing individualized support to partner NGOs through coaching and dedicated trainings, further, to ensuring the project implementation follow-up.
Program objectives and priorities
SHABAKE project aims to empower mission-driven, technically-sound and locally rooted NGOs and ensure that they stand greater chances to withstand the crisis, access greater financial autonomy and contribute to the recovery of Lebanon.
The overall objective of the Shabake project covered by this call for projects is to support social cohesion, peace and stability and promote gender equality by engaging civil society organizations to play a vital role in crisis management and to provide sustainable support to vulnerable host communities and Syrian refugees.
The project is structured around three sub-objectives that cover all NGOs’ needs, allowing them to provide a relevant response to the current crisis and to gain skills:
Sub-objective 1 (SO1): To enable NGOs to be trusted partners in the implementation of vulnerabilities-reduction projects and thematic actions.
Sub-objective 2 (SO2): To support local NGOs in their efforts to efficiently respond to the emergency situations and ongoing crises in Lebanon.
Sub-objective 3 (SO3): To enhance technical and organizational capacities of partner NGOs for an improved localization of aid for the benefit of vulnerable populations.
The specific objectives of this call for projects are to select and financially support non-governmental organizations and/or local non-profit civil society actors which can offer vulnerabilities and gender inequalities reduction actions, benefiting Lebanese populations and Syrian refugees, as well as responses to sectorial priorities.
This call for proposals is situated primarily within Sub-objective 1, with NGOs benefitting from sub-objective 3 throughout the duration of this partnership.
Through this call for projects, the funding mechanism for local NGOs aims to provide a long-term response to the crisis, by enhancing the resilience of vulnerable communities and tackling economic and social vulnerabilities which are the causes of the repeated crises affecting host populations and Syrian refugees. Under this funding scheme, partner NGOs must implement projects within the defined sectors while keeping in mind the cross-cutting themes. The suggested project should be inclusive of populations, in particular youth, women, refugees, and marginalized populations.
This call for proposals is focused on thematic priorities that are aligned with AFD and EF’s strategy of intervention in Lebanon.
How to apply
The call documents are available via the below link:
Recherche avancée - Portail des marchés publics (
Call Timetable
1. Information meeting for Beirut, Mount Lebanon, Keserwen-Jbeil interested applicants:
11th of December 2023
11:00 Beirut Time
2. Information meeting covering North Lebanon and Akkar interested applicants:
12th of December 2023
10:00 Beirut Time
3. Information meeting covering Bekaa and Baalbeck –Hermel interested applicants:
13th of December 2023
10:00 Beirut Time
4.Online Information meeting covering South Lebanon and Nabatieh interested applicants:
14th of December 2023
12:00 Beirut Time
- A general Recap Online Session for interested Candidates who could not attend the previous meetings
20th of December 2023
11:00 Beirut Time
6. Deadline clarification requests issued to Expertise France
21st of December 2023
17:00 Paris Time / 18:00 Beirut Time
7. Last date on which clarifications are given by Expertise France
22nd of December 2023
17:00 Paris Time/18:00 Beirut Time
8. Submission deadline for concept notes
31st of December 2023
17:00 Paris Time / 18:00 Beirut Time
9. Notification of lead applicants regarding opening, administrative verifications, eligibility (Stage 1) and evaluation of the concept note (Stage 2)
26th of January 2023
17:00 Paris Time / 18:00 Beirut Time
10. Deadline for submitting the full application
25th of February 2023
17:00 Paris Time / 18:00 Beirut Time
11. Notification of lead applicants regarding evaluation of full applications (Stage 3)
29th of March 2023
17:00 Paris Time / 18:00 Beirut Time
12. Signing of the contract
1st of April 2023
13. Implementation start date
15th of April 2023
Shabake 2 - General Recap Session
Time: Dec 20, 2023, 11:00 AM Beirut
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