Provision of English Language Training - NOMU

Titled "YouthTech Thrive: Empowering Young Talent through Digital Training and Sustainable Job Placement'', the NOMU project aims to upskill youth and bridge the skills gap through the provision of accredited and/or industry-recognized certifications that pave the way for better job opportunities. The project aims at building the digital skills of 2005 Lebanese and non-Lebanese youth in all Lebanese areas. Out of 2005, 400 youth who completed specific digital courses with DOT Lebanon, will be referred for a basic English language course, and 150 will be referred for a business English course), to develop their linguistic skills and be ready for employment opportunities.  

How to apply


Interested tenderers  are required to submit a proposal :

Valid for 60 days after the date of bid opening. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected.

Submitted in the English language, and by Hand in a sealed envelope/package clearly marked and addressed as follows:

The outer envelope/package of your bid must indicate: NOMU  ("YouthTech Thrive: Empowering Young Talent through Digital Training and Sustainable Job Placement")

English Language Service Bid Name of your entity

Date of Submission


Att. Mr. Joseph Habshy DOT Lebanon Office

Mar Abda Street, Gebara building (Sportika), 7th Floor Jal El Dib, Lebanon

(Between 10:00 and 16:00)

Wednesday, 28. Feb 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth, Education, Training & Capacity Building
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
8 Months