The Diakonia MENA regional office is now approaching the end of the current strategy cycle 2016-2020. A new global strategy is being developed that puts the Theory of Change at the center of our work.  The first step of the process is for the regional office to have a better understanding of the context. This will help Diakonia identify where it has an added value and where it can contribute positively to different change processes in society. Currently, Diakonia MENA region works with local offices in 3 countries only which are Lebanon, Palestine and Egypt.

Purpose of the Context Analysis

The purpose of the analysis is to identify political , social and economic trends in MENA region that will influence the developments in the region during the coming 10 years, this analysis will help Diakonia to identify relevant change processes to engage in and to adjust it strategic directions for the next 5 to 10 years.

Objectives and scope of the Analysis

The objective is to develop a macro context of the MENA region that relates to  Diakonia change processes and drivers. This information is to be consolidated, summarized and validated with the Diakonia Regional office  by  March 20th, 2020.

The outcome document should not exceed 7 pages.

The analysis of the context should explore the below trends with special attention to People with Disability and gender:

  • Political and institutional context and trends
  • Economic and social context and trends
  • Environmental context and trends
  • Conflict and peace context and trends
  • Gender context and trends
  • The Civil Society context and trends                                                                         


The consultancy will consist of the below steps:

  1. Desk Review :The consultant shall conduct a desk review of background documents that include but are not limited to:
    1. Recent assessments, research, studies, and media content relating to the MENA context which the consultant will research to create a thorough context analysis.
    2. Head Office instructions on conducting the context analysis;
    3. Diakonia global strategy documents post-2020;
    4. Diakonia mainstreaming toolboxes on Gender, Conflict Sensitivity, and the Environment;
  2. Interviews: The consultant can identify specific experts or organizations to reach out for and interview in order to come up with a better understanding of the contexts. Interviews can be conducted online or via phone calls when the other person is not residing in same country. Specific interview could be suggested by Diakonia.
  3. Summary of Trends: Based on the input from the desk review and key informant interviews, the consultant shall prepare a summary of the different trends, change processes, drivers and actors.
  4. Validation Session online: The prepared summary will be presented to Diakonia regional office for discussion and validation before being finalized. The consultant is expected to plan and facilitate the validation session.
  5. Other resources and processes: Diakonia is open for the consultants recommendations on other processes and procedures that can allow reaching for the intended outcome in a thorough way, all methodology aspects must be outlined in the proposal.

Please use the following perspective when carrying out the analysis: 

  • At the center of the analysis, the consultant should put the rights holders that are disproportionally poor/vulnerable/oppressed /with disability in MENA region. This includes the different dimensions of poverty including lack of resources, opportunities, power, safety and security.
  • Throughout the analysis, remember to highlight the gender dimension. If you are analyzing conflict, poverty, environmental hazards etc.: how does it impact differently on women and men, and what are the different roles women and men play?
  • Focus on analyzing which way the context is changing. This means that you need to analyze the trends you have seen the last couple of years as well as what you perceive to be the future trends and changes in the context. You can use scenarios if it adds value to your discussion.                                                                     
  • Time Scope
  • It is expected that a time and work plan is presented in the proposal and that the duration of the assignment is estimated to a total of 2 weeks. The validated context analysis should be delivered not later than March 1st 2020. The consultant shall provide:

  • Draft 3 to 7-page summary of Context Analysis by  March 6th   2020
  • Final 2 to 4-page summary of Context Analysis by March 20th   2020.
  • The final analysis shall be written in English and professionally proofread. The final analysis should have a clear structure and follow the format agreed with Diakonia.

  • Qualifications
  • The Context Analysis may be conducted by a single consultant with the following qualifications: 

  • Competence and experience in context analysis, quality assessment, theory of change and results-based management in developing countries.  
  • Experience working with some or all of Diakonia’s intervention areas.
  • Experience of evaluating and/or working with crosscutting issues such as gender, conflict and environment/climate change.   
  • Experience with Civil Society in MENA region.
  • Experience of working with Rights Based approach
  • A CV shall be included for the consultant and contain a full description of the consultant’s qualifications and professional work experience.

    The consultants must be independent from the assignment and activities and have no stake in the outcome of the analysis.                                                        

How to apply

The proposal shall be sent by e-mail to Mais Irqsusi ; [email protected] with a copy to  Peter Ottosson; [email protected] ,  no later than February 16th , 2020 at 16:00. This should include:

  • Technical proposal including a detailed work plan.
  • Cost Proposal with breakdown of fees per day including taxes, social security contributions and VAT.
  • The tender shall state total value of tender, including expenses such as telephone, internet or postage and any expenses related to the assignment.
  • All costs must be provided in EUR currency.
  • Contracted consultant cannot further subcontract the assignment. In cases where the tender includes a team of consultants, their division of labour shall be presented.
  • Contracted consultant cannot further subcontract the assignment. In cases where the tender includes a team of consultants, their division of labour shall be presented.
  • CV of consultant or Research center profile.
  • Testimonials and/or sample reports of similar assignments completed.
  • Contact details of three references.

The consultants will be assessed considering the following aspects;

  • The ability of the consultant or firm to meet the deliverables specified above
  • The cost of the assignment
  • The detailed work plan submitted by the bidder.
  • The expertise of the bidder.

Questions concerning the tender can be posed to the contact persons indicated below.  Diakonia reserves the right not to accept any of the tenders submitted.

Diakonia is not covered by the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU). This means that it is not possible to appeal against the decision of choosing a supplier and that Diakonia is not obliged to disclose the procurement documentation after completion of procurement.

Sunday, 16. Feb 2020
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Research & Studies