External Evaluation of Lebanon Civsam Program

Diakonia is an international Faith Based development organization rooted in two churches in Sweden, the Swedish Alliance Mission and the Uniting Church in Sweden. The organization currently works through local offices in 24 countries in Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Asia by supporting local partners. Diakonia’s vision is a Just, Equal and Sustainable world. Our mission and goal is to change unfair political, economic, social and cultural structures that cause poverty, oppression, inequality and violence

Diakonia Lebanon focuses on 5 thematic/intervention areas. The Civsam program being evaluated covers the following 4 areas: Human Rights, Gender Equality, Social & Economic Justice, and Conflict and Justice. Diakonia Lebanon currently has a grant of around 9 million SEK yearly from Sida CIVSAM, and with a five-year contract 2016-2020. The CIVSAM global grant includes 25 programs, mostly country based but also two regional and one global. As a part of the external review process for Lebanon, Diakonia wishes to analyse the grant, through the process of gaining more in-depth understanding the program. Based on the evaluation, we hope to draw conclusions that could be used when elaborating a new 5-year application to Civsam in 2020.  

In total, the evaluation will cover the 9 active partners being supported through the program along with the capacity building component. Each partner has been receiving small grants with an annual value of 400,000 to 1,900,000 SEK.

Purpose of the Evaluation

The purpose is to establish how the Lebanon Civsam program has been planned and implemented during the first three and half years, in order to advise the future implementation for the program as well as for the Civsam grant in general.  

Objectives and scope of the evaluation

The objective is to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the Civsam program in Lebanon. The evaluation will focus on Diakonia’s role, choice of focus, applied methods and ways of working to provide practical recommendations to Diakonia on how to improve our implementation.

Relevance: See attached TOR

Effectiveness: See attached TOR

Time schedule and deliverables

It is expected that a time and work plan is presented in the proposal. The final report should be delivered not later than 20 March 2020. The following meetings are regarded as a prerequisite:

  • A start-up meeting with the Diakonia Lebanon office.
  • At the end of the field work the consultant should present preliminary findings to the Diakonia country office for feedback.
  • Interviews with a wide range of stakeholders at country level with a stake in Diakonia programs. 
  • Validation session with Diakonia’s regional office.
  • Presentation of final report to Diakonia’s country office.

The final report shall be written in English and professionally proofread. The final report should have a clear structure and follow the report format agreed with Diakonia. An executive summary of maximum 3 pages shall be included. Conclusions shall be substantiated by findings and analysis and it should be possible to follow the line of reasoning. Recommendations and lessons learned should flow logically from conclusions. Recommendations shall be specific and directed to relevant stakeholders. The report shall be no more than 40 pages, excluding annexes. The consultants shall submit the final report through e-mail to the contact person at Diakonia’s country office.


The Evaluation may be conducted by a single consultant or a team with the following qualifications: 

  • Competence and experience in reviews and evaluations, quality assessment and results-based management in developing countries.   
  • Experience working with some or all of Diakonia’s intervention areas.
  • Experience of evaluating and/or working with crosscutting issues such as gender, conflict and environment/climate change.    
  • Experience of evaluation work of Civil Society in Lebanon.
  • Experience of working with Rights Based approach

One person shall be assigned as team leader with the overall responsibility for the review. The team leader shall have experience of leading review/evaluation assignments.  A CV shall be included for each team member and contain full description of the consultant’s qualifications and professional work experience.

The consultants must be independent from the review object and activities, and have no stake in the outcome of the review.

How to apply

The proposal shall be sent by e-mail to Cederic Choukeir [email protected] with a copy to Eliana Aoun [email protected]. This should include:

  • Technical proposal including a detailed suggestion of research methods and its rationale and draft work plan.
  • Cost Proposal with breakdown of cost.
  • CV of all involved consultants.
  • Testimonials and/or sample reports of similar assignments completed.
  • Contact details of three references.
Friday, 13. Dec 2019
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):