“Rfq No. Rfq-Dai-Livcd-Y3-111 (3) Data Loggers, Dummy Traps And Yellow Sticky Traps"

To all interested legally registered Lebanese companies specialized in providing "Data loggers جهاز ألكتروني يعلق على شجرة الزيتونDummy traps مصائد غذائية بلاستيكية لمكافحة ذبابة الزيتون and Yellow sticky trapsمصائد صفراء بلاستيكية لاصقة لمراقبة ذبابة الزيتون",Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) implementing the USAID- funded Lebanon Industry Value Chain Development (LIVCD) Project formally invites interested bidders to participate in a competitive procurement process, requiring interested companies to submit a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for "Data loggers, Dummy traps and Yellow sticky traps". The full RFQ, including all specifications, terms, and conditions is available by sending an email to: [email protected]. All final bids must be received by LIVCD through email byTuesday October 6, 2015 at 6:00pm to, Beirut, Lebanon local timeand clearly marked “RFQ No. RFQ-DAI-LIVCD-Y3-111 (3) Data loggers, Dummy traps and Yellow sticky traps"

Tuesday, 06. Oct 2015
Type of Call
Intervention Sector(s):