Call For EOIs Public TVET teachers of the Baccalauréat Technique (BT) interested in the development of e-learning lessons of the BT general subjects 18.2208.9-002.00 QuA-Vet

I. General information

Brief information on the project


The Multi-Donor Action “Improving the Quality and Attractiveness of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Lebanon for poor and vulnerable social groups” is jointly co-financed by the European Union and the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The joint action is implemented by GIZ as a specific Action within the wider BMZ project “Improving the Quality and Attractiveness of TVET in Lebanon (QuA-VET)”.

The aim of the action is to orient the vocational training towards the qualification needs of the labour market in sectors with sustainable employment potentials, therefore improving the employment capacities for poor and vulnerable social groups living in Lebanon. The implementing partner, the Directorate General for Vocational and Technical Education (DGVTE), requires further support in involving the private sector in vocational education and training. Thus, the project’s emphasis is placed on improving the partnership between vocational training institutions and the private sector. This includes developing modularized and practice-oriented training programmes in selected sectors, digitalizing e-learning lessons for the technical theoretical subjects of the promoted TVET programs and general subjects and enhancing the quality of in-company training for employees and work-based learning for vulnerable individuals.

The target groups of the project are vulnerable youth and young adults (aged 15-35), including Syrian and Palestinian refugees, individuals from hosting communities, TVET Lebanese students, unemployed or underemployed individuals (aged 17 to 35), and employees in Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) seeking to improve their employment prospects through relevant qualifications.



Background – e-Learning

Considering the recent surge in conflict and security issues that has left many regions in Lebanon inaccessible, TVET schools' ability to continue in-person teaching for the foreseeable future became limited, demanding alternative remote learning options to ensure TVET students continue receiving education during this time of crisis.

Based on the experience in e-learning which the GIZ projects’ ProVTE[1] and VTE4all[2] have collected and considering that the teaching and learning at distance will be a constant in the future in the form of blended learning, the QuA-VET project developed the technical theoretical courses of Baccalaureate Technique (BT) Industrial Mechanics and Technicien Superieur (TS) Health Inspection and Food Safety in e-Learning (EL) modality. Following the development and digitalization of the BT1 general subjects by the VTE4all project, the QuA-VET project is extending the development of e-learning lessons to include the BT2 general subjects for all BT2 programs, according to the newly developed curriculum. This will ensure that students have access to a larger number of courses and their learning is not interrupted due to the instability in the country. Moreover, the lessons in EL modality will be a support for teachers during the in-presence lessons.  

Up to now teachers of the BT general subjects are used to deliver the content of the courses in classroom settings. In order to address the need for competent teachers who are able to develop general subjects in e-Learning modality, a competent and motivated group of public TVET teachers will be selected and trained to develop the courses in EL modality.


Outline of the mission

To ensure a consistent level of quality of the content and the flow of the e-Learning Lessons (ELLs), a standard development process has been defined. The teachers will attend a mandatory 80-hour training course (over a period of 2 weeks), so called Digital Training of Trainers (ToT), to get familiarized with this process, with e-learning principles and with the e-learning development software.

The ToT course will be conducted in a blended modality. During the second week, the teachers will be assigned to develop one e-learning lesson (50 minutes long), in French, English or Arabic language, related to one of the BT2 general subjects listed below. His/her performance will be assessed, and the most qualified teachers will subsequently have the possibility to be contracted by QuA-VET to develop the courses of the BT general subjects following the newly developed curriculum, such as:

  • English Language
  • French Language
  • Arabic Language
  • Mathematics 
  • Science
  • Information Technology
  • Law 


GIZ shall hire the contractors for the anticipated contract term, from 06.01.2025 to 31.10.2025


  • Attendance and successful fulfilment of the Pre-ToT assignments
  • 100% attendance of the Digital ToT course on e-lesson development (80h – 8 hours/day) outside official working hours for teachers / in the afternoon:
    •  completion of the self-paced e-courses
    •  attendance in the live sessions on MS Teams
  • 100% fulfilment of the assignments required during the course
  • Development of 1 e-lesson (50 minutes) of a general subject delivered by the end of the ToT course, applying the standards presented during the ToT


II. Tender requirements

Qualifications of proposed staff

Expert 1:

General qualifications

Qualification & General professional experience:

Education: University degree at least at bachelor level, or LT in, at least one of the following majors: Education, Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Information Technology, English Literature, French Literature, Arabic Literature, Law

Professional experience:  5 years’ experience in teaching in public TVET one of the general subjects in the second year of Baccalauréat Technique as above listed

Specific professional experience:

  • Proven and extensive experience in the development of training materials and documentation
  • Experience in preparing assessment on general subjects


Experience in the region/knowledge of the country

5 years of working experience in Lebanon

Language skills

Business fluency in Arabic language

Business fluency in English and/or French language (required for developing language e-lessons)


  • Proficient in use of MS Office (Power Point, Word, Excel, Outlook)
  • Proficiency in internet (re-)search
  • Proficiency in use of Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WebEx or similar programs


  • Availability of a PC or laptop with MS Office applications (required)
  • Availability of a stable internet connection (required)
  • Availability of a monitor screen (preferable)
  • Participants of the ToT submitted a 50-minute e-lesson by the end of the training, under condition to attend 100% of the online training sessions and deliver all course assignments in compliance with the standards set during the course  


Check the EOI attachment for detailed Quantitative requirement for this service and program.


How to apply

III. Requirements on the format of the tender

Required documents:

  • A cover letter, stating the motivation to attend the 80-hours of training in e-Learning (in English or French)
  • An updated CV (in English), indicating the General Subject(s) taught in BT2 level, the academic year(s), name of the public school/institute(s) taught in and director(s)
  • The applicant shall submit all the required documents (listed above) in PDF format by Monday, 16.12.2024 by 23:59 Beirut Local Time at the latest, to the following email address:
  • The subject line of the mail must be clearly marked as follows: “General Subjects of BT2 in e-Learning”
  • If you have questions about this call for expression of interest, please contact us at the following email ( Deadline for questions is 12.12.2024 before 23:59.



The CV submitted for each expert can have a maximum of four pages. If one of the maximum page lengths is exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point will not be included in the assessment. External content (e.g. links to websites) will also not be considered).

Please note that this EOI does not constitute a contract or an offer of employment. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next steps in the selection process



  • Only applications containing the mentioned documents will be taken into consideration
  • The maximum mailbox receive size is capped at 25 MB. Documents exceeding the mentioned MB should be transferred via: Start ( (Provide the password)


Monday, 16. Dec 2024
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Education, Science & Technology