Expression of Interest Dairy cooperative to receive support( technical\financial)

Concern Worldwide is a non-governmental international organization funded in 1968 by small group of passionate people who turned their concern into action to address terrible starvation in war-torn Biafra. Today, we are a global community of humanitarians, innovators, partners, community members and supporters who share a common vision of a world where no one lives in poverty, where all can exercise their rights to dignity and a decent standard of living, and have access to the opportunities and choices essential to a long, healthy and creative life.

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V.  along with Concern Worldwide have jointly launched a 1 year project for 2019, titled, “Strengthening the Resilience of Refugees and Host Communities Impacted by the Syria Crisis ” funded by Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, BMZ (In English: federal ministry for economic cooperation and development). The project is intended to strengthen the resilience of located communities in  Syria Crisis through integrated community infrastructure rehabilitation, protection and livelihood interventions.


Since cooperatives are key economic actors worldwide, Concern worldwide intends to support three small to medium dairy cooperatives in Akkar, with a minimum of 200 members by providing small grants focusing on cooperative infrastructure and the provision of equipment in order to help cooperatives meet the minimum quality standards required for the market and to strengthen their technical capacities and contribute to higher production rates and income.

How to apply

Interested cooperatives can apply by receiving and filling the registration form by sending an email to [email protected] with “EOI Cooperative Support” mentioned in the subject in order to receive the registration form, OR the registration form will be present at the following:

  • Bebnine SDC
  • Meryatta SDC

For more information about the forms, call on 71\823245

Tuesday, 01. Oct 2019
Type of Call
Call for Participation
Intervention Sector(s):
Food & Nutrition