Debate trainer
Terms of Reference
Project: Reading into Peace in Lebanon, supported and funded by Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund
Position Title: Debate Trainer
Place of Work: Beirut, Lebanon
Reports to: Project Manager - Mohammad Zaher
Objective/purpose of consultancy
Debate trainer To enhance the capacities of young women (aged 16-28) on effective communication and negotiation skills in 4 different regions.
ASSABIL strongly believes in empowering individuals through enhancing their skills, sharing knowledge, tools, and resources, to build stronger, more peaceful collaborative communities. This project aims at promoting women as independent decision-makers, through the provision of safe public spaces for them where they will be able to receive guided training and skills enhancement, to become more active leaders within their communities, and to increase their role as decision makers within social cohesion and promoters of peace contributions. Through the ASSABIL platform of public spaces/libraries, the project aims at facilitating the effective participation of women, through establishing a participatory and inter-subjective skills and knowledge generating space, and providing women with the needed technical guidance and tools for being leaders and decision makers in their communities.
Scope of work and key tasks
We are looking for a professional trainer for the following main tasks:
- Develop and deliver a five-day debate training workshop in 4 locations
- Organize a trial debate involving debate teams from all 4 locations a day before the public event
- Organize the final debate during the public event scheduled for the end of the project
Format and structure of activities and resources
Debate Training
The workshop will be held over five days in 4 public libraries in Ansar, Neirut, Badddawi Camp and Borj chhemali Camp. The trainer is expected to be focusing mostly on the following topics: the concept and method of debate; researching relevant topics; argumentation; and public speaking. Practice debates may also be carried out.
Number of participants: between 10 and 15 participants from each location.
The applicant should submit a detailed agenda for the training with explanation and justification of the various topics included.
Final Public Event
During the public event to be held at the closing of the project, there will be a public debate on a number of topics such as human rights, combatting hate speech, gender empowerment… (Expected number of topics: 3 or 4). The debate expert is expected to oversee the final debate as well as organize a trial debate to test their skills and knowledge a day before the event.
Workshop participants are expected to acquire specific skills related to debate (research, argumentation; debate; public speaking)
Project Participants
The target group for workshops participants include librarians and young women from the following libraries: Bachoura Public Library, Ansar Public Library and the Ghassan Kanafani Library in Beddawi Camp, Dr. Souheil Sabbagh public library in Borj Chemali Camp.
Note: Only 20 participants (5 per location) are expected to take part in the training workshop, trial debate and final public debate.
Qualifications/level requirements
The debate trainer should have the following qualifications, experience and skills:
- University Degree in Sociology, Anthropology, Human Rights Education or a related field
- 3- 5 years of experience in the field of public debates
- At least 1 year of experience in developing, facilitating and delivering interactive/participatory training workshops
- Experience working with at least one of the three groups targeted in this project (women, young people; members of migrant and refugee communities)
- Proven background knowledge of issues of inclusive governance is desirable
- Adaptability and flexibility in working within a complex and dynamic environment
- Ability to deliver high quality results in a timely manner.
- Fluency in Arabic (written and spoken) is a must.
Period and duration of consultancy
The duration of the consultancy is from July 1st, 2024 to the end of October 2024. Tasks include:
- Preparation and development of training agenda and handouts in direct communication with project staff to finalize training materials.
- Delivery of the training (estimated five days in each location).
- Organize a trial debate
- Organize the final public debate
Fee and Mode of Payment
The consultant’s fees will be calculated based on the number of days worked. The payment will be made in US Dollars (Fresh) by cheque or bank transfer.
How to apply
If you are qualified and interested, please submit your CV, proposed methodology with a detailed work plan outlining deliverables, an example of a previous training report or similar work, two references, daily rate, and expected budget to Assabil. Please enclose these documents in a sealed envelope and deliver to the ASSABIL office at Ras Nabeh, Mohammad El Hout Street, Naoura Bldg., 1st floor, Beirut, during working hours from Monday to Friday. Kindly mark the envelope with the subject 'Debate Trainer.'
Application deadline: June 15, 2024