“Document Management System, Digital Assets Management and Archiving Services”
I-About the Arab Thought Foundation
The Arab Thought Foundation (ATF) is a pan-Arab, international, independent, non-profit and non-governmental organization that was officially founded in 2001.At the core level, the Foundation presents itself as a platform for cooperation between Arab intellectuals and businessmen with a guiding mission to help advance social, cultural and economic development of the whole Arab region.
ATF is looking for a “Document Management System, Digital Assets Management and Archiving Services”, to digitize its data namely images, videos, documents, books, and material related to its publications, projects, and programs.
ATF is soliciting proposals from companies specialized in Document Management System, archiving and digital archiving, to review the current data status and advise on best practices and solutions to ensure smooth and safe migration for an approximate size of 30-35 Terabytes. The existing content time span is since the year 2000.
The system should enable efficient and quick search, data migration, and easy data entry with secure parameters and the ability to open it partially or fully to public usage at a later stage. The bidder should provide a minimum of 3 completed references in the last 5 years. The selected agency is required to work from ATF offices and sign an NDA.
Attached to this RFP is a list of features and capabilities that the system should be providing through the proposed solution.
III-Phases of work
Stage 1: Assessment
Assess the current data available on different devices (server, external hard-disks, publications, prints)
Understand ATF expectations and needs
Conduct an in-depth analysis of material
Prepare an initial inventory for proper documentation
Propose a digital archiving system/ document management system solution
Stage 2: Planning
Set a work plan with clear priorities, processes, and timeline
Suggest data segmentation solutions i.e. by format, by topic, by area, by geographical region, by author, by article, by event, by year, by color, by resolution and size, by involved parties, by project etc.
Provide naming/metadata/tagging description and essential indexing parameters
Secure access to employees (to all data or to a limited number of sections)
Suggest a backup plan
Stage 3: Processing
Start implementing solutions by project or department
Test the first phase of implementation
Complete data entry in the system – archiving
Start drafting the guidebook for the archiving process and best practices
Stage 4: Training and execution
Provide training to concerned employees
Provide tools to easily import content and data
Develop authority matrix and internal network members copyrights
Stage 5: Closing project + maintenance
Provide user guideline
Provide maintenance plan
Submission of the proposal by July 31st, 2023
Firms that submit a proposal in response to this RFP are solely responsible for meeting any and all costs incurred in preparing their proposal. No costs incurred by any bidder (successful or otherwise) in preparing and submitting a proposal shall be payable or reimbursable by ATF.
Invoicing shall be made using the following invoicing profile after each phase:
Contract signing and kick-off meeting
Reviewing and analyzing all data on the server, hard disks and prints; Completion of assessment and submitting a detailed workplan and timeframe
Processing: implementing solutions
Test the first phase of implementation
Complete data entry in the system – archiving
drafting guidebook for the process
Implementation and training
Project Completion
VI-Legal Issues
Amendments and Withdrawals
ATF reserves the right to amend the RFP and/or the proposal acceptance closing date. If ATF deems it necessary to amend the RFP, an Addendum will be prepared and issued to all proposers
It is the proposer’s responsibility to comply with all laws, codes, regulations and insurance requirements applicable to the operation of their business. ATF accepts no liability for the actions of the proposer/contractor and his or her employee(s) or subcontractors during the development of the proposal or through the term of the subsequent contract once interred into
Performance of work
Once a contract is agreed upon and signed, the winning proposer will be required to assume responsibility for all services outlined and finalized in the contract, whether the contractor, a representative or subcontractor produces them. Unless clearly otherwise specified, ATF considers the proposer responsible for any and all contractual matters, including performance of work and the stated deliverables
Right of ownership
All materials, information, processes, and outputs resulting from the work of contactor under agreement with ATF shall be the sole property of ATF and may not be used by anyone else for any reason except with the written permission of ATF.
How to apply
To submit your proposal or your intent to submit a proposal, ask a question about this RFP, and/or request more information, please contact us at +9611997100 or email us at maya.boutros@arabthought.org.