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Animals Lebanon
Animals Lebanon works to improve the welfare of animals through comprehensive national animal protection and welfare legislation. To support this campaign we also provide nationwide public assistance for companion animals while rescuing endangered wildlife and improving the conditions of captive wildlife.
Animals Lebanon believes that our treatment of animals is a reflection of how we treat ourselves and each other. We believe that the welfare of all animals matters, and are committed to bringing about a time when these beliefs are embraced by society and Lebanon is recognized as a leader in animal welfare.
• We closed down three of the most dilapidated and abusive zoos, rehoming over one hundred animals to sanctuaries around the world.• Our work exposing circus cruelty led to the closing of a circus and the passing of new regulations in Egypt banning the use of lion cubs.• We established an adoption center for rescued companion animals, enabling us to re- home hundreds of cats and dogs every year.• We investigate the smuggling of endangered animals into and through Lebanon, and are campaigning to ensure Lebanon joins the Convention on International Trade in Endan- gered Species.• We drafted comprehensive national animal protection and welfare legislation and work with the World Animal Health Organization and the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture to ensure this legislation is enacted.• We continue to inspire thousands of people each year to make changes in their lives that improve the welfare of animals.
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