Strengthening Primary Health Care System In Lebanon Regarding Access And Quality, And Early Warning System Building

First, the project aims at providing medicines and medical equipment to Amel centers in South Lebanon, Mount Lebanon and Beirut Southern Suburbs. In addition, Amel centers damaged during the July/August war will be rehabilitated. Thereby, Amel centers capacities will be improved through the widening of the range of services offered to the population at a symbolic fee. The aim is to promote one of the most fundamental human right in these underprivileged areas : the right to health.

At the same time, sensitization sessions on health issues are organized in each center. In Khiam, a broad awareness campaign on osteoporosis will be launched to encourage women to conduct screenings in Khiam center and to benefit from the osteodensimetry equipment acquired within the frame of the project.

In the 7 Amel centers targeted by the project, special attention is being paid during the sensitization sessions to identify people living in the villages surrounding that are willing to play the role of Amel focal point in the near future. They will be able to refer cases from their village to Amel centers or other structures when necessary.

More than 40 000 people should benefit from this project (33 000 from medical care and 7000 from sensitization sessions).

Overall Objectives: 
Start Date
Thu, 01/11/2007 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations