
تاريخ النشر: 
الأحد, 1 أبريل 2018

Lebanon may witness a remarkable rise in the number of women serving in Parliament come May 2018 due to initiatives from women’s groups, “civil society” activists, and the substantial number of fem

تاريخ النشر: 
الأحد, 1 يناير 2017

Although Lebanon is sometimes considered as the only democratic country in the Arab region with a free political environment and electoral system, the situation of women has not been strengthened e

Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation
تاريخ النشر: 
الجمعة, 1 يناير 2016

This report examines the nature of interaction and engagement between Lebanese citizens’ collectives and the state on gender-specific matters, through the case study of the Family Violence Bill tha

تاريخ النشر: 
السبت, 1 يناير 2011

Although Lebanon is known in the Middle East for its relative political openness and for the degree of freedom Lebanese women enjoy, it paradoxically has one of the lowest rates of women’s politica

تاريخ النشر: 
الأحد, 1 يناير 2017

Today, women in Lebanon are fighting for equal access to opportunities and rights without prejudice against their gender, their expectations and their careers.

تاريخ النشر: 
الخميس, 1 يناير 2004

A detailed report on ANND’s participation in this forum that covered the issues of neoliberal globalization and human development, women’s rights, geopolitical changes, democracy and public freedom

تاريخ النشر: 
الخميس, 1 يناير 2009

أنجزت الدكتورة فهميّة شرف الدين هذه الدراسة الميدانية التحليليّة، بالتعاون مع برنامج اللأمم المتحدة الإنمائي(مشروع حقوق المر أة اللبنانية وقانون الجنسية) واللجنة الاهلية لمتابعة قضايا المرأة، في 20
