The objective is to create infrastructure for flood management, groundwater recharge, and support for agricultural systems, utilizing Resilient Nature-based Water Solutions (RNBWS), specifically through two components: 1- Construction of natural gabion walls in the village of Ba’albik as the project pilot site with the purpose of mitigation of the impacts of flash floods. 2- Cleaning of existing water ponds in the same site (removal of debris and vegetation from the stream, excavation, slope adjustment, etc.). Site location details are: Latitude: 34°14'3.26"N Longitude: 36°29'2.73"E Furthermore, under this section, a general description of the two components is narrated; the detailed components are described in the BOQ, drawings, and specifications. In broad means, to establish the two components, the following works will be needed. It should be highlighted that the following description is only an indicative summary and the references for implementation quantities and works are the BOQ and the drawings. 1- Earth works and excavation. 2- Supply of materials (Stones for backfilling, stones for gabion baskets, wire mesh, etc.) 3- Execution of gabion wall construction. 4- Execution of cleaning works for existing ponds to restore their full capacity. Please refer to the BOQ, drawings, and specifications for elaborate details and quantities. [1]
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