Patriotic Vision - PVA - About

Patriotic Vision - PVA

سنة التأسيس: 
Geneva , Geneva
Geneva CH
نوع المنظمة: 
منظمة مجتمع مدني عالمية
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
الأطفال والشباب
تمويل إنساني وتنموي
السلام والأمن

Patriotic Vision Organization (PVA) it is a non-government organization with special consultative status with United Nations seeks to promote social civilization, and raise the well being of the individual and the society in an environment that saves freedom and the right of choosing within the humanitarian & social boundaries. Cooperate and coordinate international action for the worldwide protection of human rights and the resolution of human right violation problems.

Patriotic Vision also works on peace building, and seeks to social, economical, and patriotic development, and to new outlooks of development according to internal and external changes throughout suggesting solutions for emerging challenges and the peaceful resolution of disputes. In all of its activities, it pays particular attention to the needs of children and seeks to promote the equal rights of women and girls. Committed to, guided, & based on the UN Conventions.

Patriotic Vision PVA established in 2013 and registered and licensed at Lebanon in 2015. Patriotic Vision PVA obtained special consultative status with United Nations in 2018.

PVA’s primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of human being. In its efforts to achieve this objective, the Organization strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to life and to live in freedom and safety, and to be equal in dignity and rights, and can claim their rights regardless of sex, race, language, religion, social standing, etc. By ensuring their human rights in their own country or in another country, PVA also seeks lasting solutions to their plight.

Patriotic Vision desires that every youth has an opportunity to live a full life. It aims at contributing to the United Nations goals of Youth 2030 which is to contribute to communities. It also seeks to empower youth to be agents of change.

Currently, Patriotic Vision is focusing its efforts on implementing programs geared towards achieving Youth Awareness, Understanding, Action, and dialogue. These are Youth for Sustainable Development Goals. Youth for Environment. Youth for Recognize Emerging Challenges. Youth for social stability.

Patriotic Vision’s first Strategy Our Promise 2030 aims to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and multiply youth impact, through the development of long term partnerships and high quality, sustainable funding.


* Stabilization of patriotic standards, and social cohesion, and train on vital citizenship, & encourage   volunteering for the development and glory of our country.
* Raise the community awareness of different aspects of human rights, and contribute to building the society on democratic & social justice foundations.
* Respond to the needs during and after emergencies caused by armed conflicts & natural disasters in order to support and save the rights of refugees & and marginalized groups.
* Confront illiteracy; encourage education and innovate it as it is considered one of the pillars of development.
* Preserve and protect the environment and the biodiversity. And raise the awareness of health & diseases prevention.
* Community Development and promotion from recipient communities to participatory communities in its development. And raise the community capabilities in order to promote well being, freedom, and civilization.
*Contribute to a build a world where children get all their rights, through working on the    foundations of a safe environment that protects the child from all forms of abuse & exploitation & violence, provide health services, and raise the awareness of child safeguarding policy.
*Support women rights to achieve gender equality, and raise the awareness of the importance of women participation in community development

Patriotic Vision carries out its work in collaboration with many partners, including United Nations, governments, regional, international and non-governmental organizations. It is committed to the principle of participation, believing that people who benefit from the organization’s activities should be consulted over decisions which affect their lives.
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media office
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media office
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