Call for Consultant - Conduct a Costing Exercise for the National Action Plan of the National Women’s Strategy in Lebanon



ABAAD– Resource Center for Gender Equality is a UN ECOSOC accredited organization that aims to achieve gender equality as an essential condition to sustainable social and economic development in the MENA region. ABAAD advocates for the development and implementation of policies and laws that enhance women’s effective participation, through a rights-based approach that would bring about tangible change to gender justice. With the purpose of ending gender-based violence, ABAAD adopts a holistic care approach to provide protection and support services to GBV survivors/right holders during times of peace, war and disasters since 2011.




The National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW) has developed the National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2022–2030, which sets a roadmap to promote gender equality and empower women in alignment with Lebanon's commitments to international conventions and national priorities. To operationalize the strategy, a National Action Plan (NAP) 2024–2026 outlines specific actions for key ministries and stakeholders.

A critical step in ensuring the effective implementation of the NAP is conducting a comprehensive costing exercise to estimate the financial resources required for key ministries to fulfill their assigned roles and responsibilities. This exercise aims to provide a realistic financial framework, facilitate resource mobilization, and support evidence-based planning and budgeting.


The objective of this consultancy is to conduct a detailed costing exercise for the NAP 2024–2026. The costing will focus on identifying, estimating, and documenting the financial resources required for key ministries to implement their respective activities within the NAP, ensuring alignment with the objectives of the National Strategy for Women in Lebanon.



The selected consultant will be required to:

  • Participate in an inception meeting and frequent team check-ins with ABAAD staff to align on key objectives and ensure expected deliverables will be met upon a mutually agreed upon timeline.
  • Prepare an inception report detailing the methodology, framework and timeline.
  • Conduct consultations sessions with key ministries to understand their assigned roles, planned activities and resources needed for the NAP implementation
  • Work closely with ministries to gather data on existing resources, gaps and projected costs
  • Develop a costing framework and methodology to estimate costs for implementation, including program costs, operational expenses and capacity building, monitoring and evaluation budget; identify financial requirements for each action under the NAP, by ministry and timeframe
  • Validate costing estimates with relevant ministries to ensure accuracy and feasibility
  • Provide recommendations for fundraising and financing mechanisms, resource mobilization to support the NAP’s implementation
  • Develop a final and comprehensive report detailing the costing methodology, findings and recommendations
  • Present the report to NCLW and ABAAD in a validation workshop




  • Inception Report: Detailed methodology and work plan on the costing framework based on the initial desk review and consultations
  • Draft Costing Framework with standardized costing methodology, including identified gaps and challenges
  • Final and comprehensive report detailing the costing methodology, findings and recommendations
  • Validation workshop with NCLW and ABAAD


  • Applicant is required to have a BA or MA in gender studies, economics, public administration, social sciences, or other related fields;
  • Applicant must have at least 7 years of proven expertise in conducting costing exercises, financial analysis, public sector budgeting preferably in gender and development sectors.
  • Proven experience in working with government institutions and/or international/national organizations on similar assignments
  • Applicant must have strong understanding of gender-sensitive budgeting and planning s;
  • Applicant must have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the local context in Lebanon -particularly the sociopolitical landscape and cultural dynamics and public policy
  • Must be able to speak and write in English and Arabic fluently.


How to apply

Applicants are invited to submit their offer in a sealed unmarked envelope having reference "Consultancy: NAP Costing Exercise" by February 12, 2025 to Abaad offices in Furn Chebbak, Bustani street, Najjar building, ground floor – Admin.

Bidders are requested to fill in their information in the following link:

Your envelope should contain the following:

  • A technical proposal outlining the applicant’s understanding of the assignment and their suggested methodology to achieve the objectives;
  • A financial proposal providing a detailed budget breakdown in USD;


  • Supporting documents:
    • Company name, address, registration, registration and financial number/tax ID
    • If Individual, registration and tax number/IDA cover letter (maximum one page).
    • A Minimum of one reference of national institutions, humanitarian I/NGO clients for whom similar assignments have been undertaken along with contact person and budget.
    • Portfolio/ Proven track record in rendering similar services/previous experience.
    • CV/profiles of key involved consultants, demonstrating previous experience in the same requested field.



Bids determined to be substantially responsive to the abovementioned requirements will be considered for the evaluation process with the below scoring criteria.



To be considered eligible for this consultancy tender, bidders must meet essential 'go or no-go' criteria, primarily based on the submission of required legal documentation. This includes, but is not limited to, valid tax registration and appropriate legal papers demonstrating lawful operation. The tender is open to a diverse range of bidders, including companies, individual consultants, and non-profit organizations. Compliance with these criteria is mandatory for the acceptance of any bid. Failure to provide complete and accurate documentation will result in the disqualification of the bid.



Upon passing the initial 'go' decision based on eligibility, the evaluation of bids will proceed in two distinct parts: technical and financial. The technical evaluation will assess the relevance and adequacy of the proposed approach and the expertise of the bidder, ensuring alignment with the assignment’s objectives and requirements. The financial evaluation will review the cost-effectiveness and overall budget feasibility of the bid. Both sections must be satisfactorily addressed for a bid to be considered for award. Bidders must excel in both technical and financial aspects to advance in the selection process.


A- Technical Evaluation

Bidders must submit the mandatory requirements. These documents and the information therein will be used to conduct the technical evaluation based on the following considerations:

    • Expertise and experience.
    • Methodological robustness.
    • Relevance of the proposal.
    • Quality and relevance of the previous work.
    • Interview performance.



Evaluation Criteria

Score Weight

Technical Proposal matching the ToR


Clear and Strong methodology


Portfolio/ Proven track rendering similar services  


Qualifications of consultants


Proven background in gender analyses and research






  • To get maximum scores, Bidders are encouraged to submit all documents and / information listed above.
  • Only service providers who meet the score threshold of 60% will proceed to the evaluation of the financial proposal.



B- Financial Proposal

  • Bidders must quote for the Cost of Materials separately/ show a separate line for each category.
  • Bidders to indicate Lead Times (number of days) needed to deliver to designated focal points full consignment from the date of contract signing.
  • Bidders to clearly state the quote validity period. The prices for the contract are fixed and not subject to revision.
  • To get maximum score bidders are encouraged to ensure all the above information and instructions are clearly stated and included in the financial proposal.


The evaluation/ adjudication of financial bids will be done based on the following criteria for the financial proposal:

Evaluation Criteria

Score Weight

Offered price within the range


Lead Time


Breakdown of the budget and offer validity


Sub Total



Note: Total Financial and Technical = 100%


Period of Validity of Bids shall remain valid for 90 working days after the date of bid opening prescribed by the Purchaser, a bid valid for a shorter period may be rejected by the Purchaser as non-responsive.


آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 12. فبراير 2025
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months