RFP - Audit & consultancy services Firm

Preparation of Bids

The format should be as follows and should include the information noted in the points below:

  1. Basic Information: legal name, registered address, contact details and designations of proposed contract managers (including telephone number and email address), general information about the agency and the services offered, hours of operation (including any after hour assistance services); number of years in service. Please make sure to note what is your client mix and what you believe are the three key differentiators between your company and other competitors providing Audit & Consultancy services. Please make sure to highlight how you can support NEF’s needs as outlined in Paragraph 1.
  2. Qualifications and Capabilities: please describe the company’s experience servicing non-profits and humanitarian entities with a global presence (if relevant). Describe in detail the company’s services including the ability to assist its customers globally (if relevant).
  3. Contract Management: please define the covered period, provide schedules, provide definitions and application for proposed services.
  4. Customer Services: please list the primary individual/s who will be responsible for managing NEF’s local account (in each location, as appropriate). describe the company customer service philosophy and how the company will compile and maintain profiles for NEF’s accounts. Include how participant’s personal information will be protected including compliance with applicable data privacy laws. Please describe the process to resolve customer service issues to include resolution timeline and access to dashboards/NEF plan participant data, if any. Please note any toll-free numbers or email available to participants seeking assistance.
  5. Premium payment: the vendor will send an official and detailed invoice to NEF at the end of each month, the payment will be made on a monthly basis by an International Bank transfer in USD. Explain the rules for expiration or renewal.
    VAT will be paid according to the Governmental Official rate 89,500 LBP, taking into consideration any changes  announced by the Lebanese Government.
  6. Past Performance and Experience: how do you measure customer satisfaction? Please provide three references, with contact information. References must work globally.


The scope of services may include but is not limited to the following:

 Services requested

•Prepare and submit all documents related to employees (registrations, terminations, etc.)
•Pay the relevant NSSF fees on behalf of NEF
•Update NSSF on all staff family status changes
•Obtain from NSSF monthly family allowance sheets and have them signed and stamped by NSSF after being signed by related NEF staff.
•Prepare and submit monthly NSSF contributions sheets
•Support HR unit in calculating and preparing staff end of service indemnity (ESI) settlements
•Obtain from NSSF updated staff lists ensuring that new comers are included
•Obtain from NSSF service statements for new comers and for any other staff when requested by NEF
•Provide NSSF settlements for leavers and obtain from NSSF their settlement document and accordingly hand over to NSSF due settlement amounts
•Prepare and get approved by NSSF the annual NSSF declaration/settlement sheets
•Obtain from NSSF the year end discharge statement (once a year on maturity).
•Any other related service when required

2. Ministry of Finance (MOF)
•Prepare and declare quarterly tax on salaries report (R10) to MOF before deadlines
•Prepare and declare yearly tax on salaries reports (R5+ R6 + R7) to MOF before deadlines
•Prepare and declare yearly financial statements to MOF before deadlines
•Prepare and declare VAT reimbursement report quarterly and follow up;
•Give advice on all Income Tax issues as requested by NPA;
•Provide any other Governmental requirements from NPA.
•Provide income tax settlements for leavers
•Provide updated staff lists from MoF ensuring that new comers are included (R3)
•Obtain from MoF the year end discharge statement (once a year on maturity if applicable).
•Any other related services when required

3. Payrolls
Advice regarding monthly payrolls including NSSF and income tax reports if any updated regulations are issued

4. Reporting & Formal Declarations
Annual, quarterly & monthly financial report related to MOF & NSSF, VAT reimbursement, VAT Exemption stamp…
The auditing firm will perform all required tax preparation functions for NEF, with the exception of payroll related items.

5. Prepare annual financial statement audit to be submitted to the MoF and/or any other relevant ministry.

6. Advisory Service
Advisory services to enhance awareness of risk, control and compliance issues and provide a proactive independent review and appraisal of specifically identified concerns. Advisory services may include Interpretation of government decrees on the subject(s) of staff remuneration, amendments in NSSF and Tax bylaws of the country or any other notification related to government advisory on setting up staff costs of the organization.

7. Cash Management
The audit work shall cover all cash funds held by the project and review procedures for safeguarding of cash.

8. The audit shall be performed in accordance with the following, as applicable:
a. U.S. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
b. The standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller of the United States.
c. OMG Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Nonprofit Organizations.

9. The auditor is responsible for performing the audit in accordance with the law of the country of statutory residence of the lead party, applicable audit standards and the audit protocol Joint responses,

10. The auditing firm will provide, during the year, additional limited assistance and recommendations for management as requested, any requested certification from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Interior Affairs, NSSF or any governmental entity …

How to apply

Submission Deadline

All proposals must be submitted exclusively through BambooHR using the following link: https://neareast.bamboohr.com/careers/440. Proposals submitted through any other means will not be considered.
The submission deadline is no later than 27th January 2025. Proposals submitted after this date will not be considered.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 27. يناير 2025
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
تمويل وتجارة