1. Purpose of the assessment:

SOS Children’s Villages Lebanon is looking for a team of at least two experts (including one female) to conduct an external audit of child safeguarding processes, procedures and practices in alternative care programmes under operation of SOS Children’s Villages Lebanon and the National Office.

In particular, the experts are expected to evaluate how SOS Lebanon dealt with the reported incidents and concerns, including past abuse allegations, as well as to review developments in existing care and child safeguarding practices. The planned audit will cover the period from January 2023 to December 2024.

The detailed Terms of Reference will be shared based on the expression of interest and upon signing a confidentiality agreement.


  1. Description of the programmes to be assessed:

The planned audit is to take place in different alternative care programme units in Ksarnaba, Bhersaf, Kfarhay and Jbeil, as well as the National Office located in Beirut.


  1. Scope of work:

Based on the shared TOR, the experts are expected to develop a detailed methodology but, as a minimum, should apply the following methods:

  • Interviews (individual and group) with relevant parties; site visits; detailed review of documentation; onsite observations.  


  1. Expected deliverables:
  • The assessment should take place in February-March 2025.
  • The final report is to be submitted by April 20, 2025.
  • The audit report has to be submitted in English language in both electronic and hard copies.
  • The report should include all findings as well as recommendations for actions and necessary improvements.


  1. Qualifications and experience required:
    The potential experts should meet the following criteria:
  • Proven experience in conducting assessments, evaluations or investigations in the field of child safeguarding and child protection. Previous experience in Middle East countries is a strong asset;
  • Preferably knowledge of alternative care services;
  • Expertise and proven capacity in child psychology, mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) and trauma-informed care;
  • Expertise and proven capacity in case management;
  • Ability to organize on-site interviews and data collection in Lebanon;
  • Ability to collect assessment data and information in Arabic language;
  • Understanding of the socio-political, legal, and cultural context in the Middle East;
  • Fluency in Arabic and English languages.

How to apply

Please express your interest by sending:

1. An expression of interest, including description of competences and track record to conduct child safeguarding assessments/evaluations and previous assignments

2. Curriculum vitae of all experts proposed for the audit

3. At least, 2 references from similar assignments conducted previously

4. Company registration, where relevant

5. Indication of cost per day.


Applications should be sent by email to address below:

Subject: Application for External Audit, Lebanon

To: lina.bitar@sos.org.lb

CC: child-safeguarding-eucm@sos-kd.org

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 30. يناير 2025
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الأطفال والشباب
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months