RFP No. DAWERR-2024-03: Construction of composting station for organic waste and Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) for recyclables in Baskinta
Dear Bidders:
ECODIT Beirut LLC (henceforth ECODIT), implementing the USAID-funded DAWERR project, invites qualified offerors to submit Proposals for the construction of a composting station for organic waste and a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) for recyclables in Baskinta (Mount Lebanon Governorate) in accordance with the specifications listed under this Request for Proposals (RFP).
Offerors are strongly encouraged to submit any comments or questions concerning this RFP by the deadline for submission of questions as stated above. All questions related to this RFP must be submitted to Carla Hammoud at chammoud@dawerr.org with a copy to Jad Sakr at jsakr@dawerr.org and Capricia Chabarekh at cchabarekh@ecodit.com. Unless otherwise notified by an amendment to this RFP, no questions will be accepted after this date. ECODIT will compile all questions and provide answers in an updated RFP before the deadline for expressing interest and submitting eligibility documents. If changes are made prior to the closing date and time, this solicitation will also be amended.
Interested Offerors shall express their interest and submit eligibility documents by email to Carla Hammoud at chammoud@dawerr.org with a copy to Jad Sakr at jsakr@dawerr.org and Capricia Chabarekh at cchabarekh@ecodit.com by the deadline for expressing interest and submitting eligibility documents.
The Proposal (technical and cost) must be in English and comprised of soft copy and hard copy indicating the RFP number, title, and closing date. The Proposal must be delivered by email at chammoud@dawerr.org , jsakr@dawerr.org and cchabarekh@ecodit.com and by hand to Carla Hammoud at ECODIT Beirut LLC office in Habib Center 1st floor, Mirna Chalouhi, Sin el Fil no later than January 20th, 5:00pm (Beirut time).
- Purpose – The purpose of this solicitation is to receive proposals for the construction of a composting station for organic waste and a MRF for recyclables in Baskinta. Construction of the two facilities will happen in two phases – phase 1 will include the construction of the MRF that is slated to start on March 24, 2025; phase 2 will include the construction of the composting station that is slated to start on July 1, 2025. The overall duration for construction works should start on March 24, 2025 and last until December 15, 2025.
- Offeror’s Agreement with Terms and Conditions – The completion of all RFP requirements in accordance with the instructions in this RFP and submission to ECODIT/DAWERR of a Proposal will constitute a proposal and indicate the Offeror’s agreement to the terms and conditions in this RFP and any attachments hereto. ECODIT reserves the right to award a subcontract without discussion and/or negotiation; however, ECODIT also reserves the right to conduct discussions and/or negotiations, which among other things may require an Offeror to revise its proposal (technical and/or price). Issuance of this RFP in no way obligates ECODIT to award a subcontract, nor does it commit ECODIT to pay any costs incurred by the Offeror in preparing and submitting a proposal.
- Index of RFP – This RFP is comprised of the following sections and appendices:
Sections of RFP
Section 1 Proposal Instructions/Additional Information
Section 2 Description of Work and Services Requested
Section 3 Evaluation Criteria
Section 4 Special Provisions
Appendix A: Proposal Cover Letter
Appendix B1: Bill of Quantity – MRF
Appendix B2: Bill of Quantity – Composting Station
Appendix C: Method Statement – Outline
Appendix D1: Final Design Drawings – MRF
Appendix D2: Final Design Drawings – Composting station
Appendix E1: Project Specifications – MRF
Appendix E2: Project Specifications – Composting Station
Appendix F: QA/QC Procedures
Appendix G1: Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) during construction of the MRF
Appendix G2: EMMP during construction of the Composting Station
Appendix H: Geotechnical Investigation Report
All documents related to appendices are included in google drive folder here.
- Composition of Proposal
Offeror shall submit Proposal for items detailed in Appendices B1 and B2, Bill of Quantity. The proposal will consist of Appendices A, B1 and B2, and C. Offeror must provide adequate and qualified staff for all works including Site Manager, Construction Manager, and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Manager in addition to electrical and mechanical engineers. Offeror shall elaborate on Staff Members in its Detailed Method Statement, that will be submitted as part of the Technical Proposal. During implementation, any staff acting irresponsible in an unsafe manner shall be immediately terminated under the awarded subcontract.
Proposals may be accepted by ECODIT and executed as a subcontract without any discussions, or ECODIT may decide to open discussions as necessary to clarify any issues in the proposals. ECODIT also has the option to amend the solicitation as necessary prior to any Subcontract Award. ECODIT will notify and provide all offerors with any amendment pertaining to this RFP.
Proposed prices must be in USD, exempted of VAT. ECODIT Beirut LLC is exempt from paying VAT under license number EFF/2021/64 issued by the Ministry of Finance on 06/29/2020. ECODIT reserves the right to request a breakdown of the price and additional justification for items that are underbudgeted or overbudgeted by the offerors.
Offerors shall submit their proposals signed and stamped in hard copies.
How to apply
- Offerors must submit two sealed envelopes divided as below and delivered to ECODIT Beirut LLC office in Habib Center 1st floor, Mirna Chalouhi, Sin el Fil under the attention of Mr. Jad Sakr:
- Administrative & Technical Documents Envelope:
- All pages of the RFP signed and sealed including all appendices.
- Detailed Method Statement for the construction of Baskinta MRF and Composting Station (following the outline included in Appendix C) including a Work Plan (to be developed based on the BOQs included in Appendices B1 and B2).
- Hard copies of all eligibility documents.
- Technical documents including certificates, calculations, warranties if applicable.
- Administrative & Technical Documents Envelope:
- Financial Offer Envelope:
- Offeror shall submit proposed pricing in prescribed format found in Appendices B1 and B2 for all packages (structural/civil, architectural, mechanical, and electrical), based on final design drawings included in Appendices D1 and D2 and Project Specifications included in Appendices E1 and E2. The offeror shall write his/her prices (in US dollars) in letters and numbers with signature, stamp, and date on each page of the list of works specifications, required quantities, and individual and total prices.
- The total value of the works must be clearly indicated for each item separately, as well as the overall total, all in US dollars (fresh USD).
- Cover Letter on the Offeror’s letterhead, signed by a person authorized to sign on behalf of the Offeror. Use the template in Appendix A.
- Financial Offer Envelope:
- Bid Opening Session: DAWERR will hold a bid opening session on January 21st, at 11:00 AM, in ECODIT Beirut LLC’s offices, in the presence of the Baskinta Mayor, a representative from Baskinta Municipal Solid Waste Management Committee, DAWERR’s Chief of Party, DAWERR’s Local Development Lead, DAWERR’s Field coordinator, DAWERR’s Compliance and Grants Specialist, DAWERR’s Finance and Administration Manager and offerors’ representatives. The bid opening session will be divided to two parts:
Part 1: DAWERR’s Compliance and Grants Specialist will open the administrative and technical documents sealed envelopes and will read out loud the offeror’s name and confirm eligibility of the application by ensuring that all requested documents have been provided.
Part 2: Once the offeror’s eligibility has been confirmed, DAWERR’s Compliance and Grants Specialist will open the financial offer envelopes and read out loud the offeror’s name and their financial offer. The lowest price is not necessarily the determining factor for winning this award. DAWERR’s Compliance and Grants Specialist will reread the evaluation criteria (see Section 3).
- Type of Subcontract: ECODIT intends to issue a Fixed Unit Price Not-To-Exceed (NTE) Fixed Price Ceiling subcontract for construction work. The fixed unit prices or the NTE fixed price ceiling will not be subject to any increase during the implementation of construction works by the subcontractor. ECODIT will not allow any variation orders during implementation of construction works. The subcontractor shall submit invoices to ECODIT based on actual executed quantities substantiated with supporting documentation and following the QA/QC procedures included in Appendix F.
- Payment terms: Deliverables and payment schedule will be included in the subcontract. Upon award, the subcontractor shall submit a Mobilization Plan corresponding to the first payment/mobilization payment under the subcontract (considered as upfront payment and will be deducted from subsequent payments). During implementation and following every payment request submitted by the construction subcontractor, ECODIT will review and issue a payment verification report including QA/QC approved documentation (refer to Appendix F for QA/QC Procedures). Based on the payment verification report, and unless the Subcontractor can provide a performance bond and a retention bond, ECODIT will pay to the construction subcontractor the amount invoiced and approved after deducting 15% as a retention and the mobilization payment or part of it. ECODIT will release two-thirds of the retention (or 10% of the total amounts invoiced and approved) upon completion of work/ after USAID issuance of completion verification and keep the remaining one- third (or 5% of the total amounts invoiced and approved) as financial guarantee during the defect liability period (12 months).
- Proposal Pricing validity: Net 120 days from date of proposal submission
- Offerors must fulfill the following eligibility requirements:
- Be classified in the second category and above of buildings and public works classification at the Ministry of Public Works and Transport[1], and provide a proof of such classification;
- Be registered in the Commercial Registry with a valid registration, and provide a copy of registration showing validity period and expiration date (if any);
- Be registered with the Directorate of Value Added Tax (VAT) and provide a copy of the certificate of registration;
- Operate a non-bankrupt business and provide (1) a non-bankruptcy statement issued by the competent bankruptcy court, and (2) a statement of the Bidder that he/she is not under judicial liquidation, issued by the Commercial Court; both statements should be dated no more than six months before the deadline;
- Have a Professional Liability Insurance Policy with coverage for at least $500,000 for any one claim and $1,000,000 in the aggregate and provide a copy of it, or provide a signed Commitment letter to obtain such insurance prior to contract execution;
- Provide a signed Commitment letter to obtain a Contractor’s All Risk (CAR) insurance policy, Contractor General Liability Insurance policy, Workers’ Compensation Insurance (all-in-one or separate policies) prior to contract execution ;
- Have implemented at least one similar project worth at least $150,000 successfully in the past five years and provide relevant supporting documentation
- Have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number (request a Unique Entity ID only without having to complete a full registration) which can be obtained here: https://sam.gov/content/entity-registration. Provide the UEI number, or a signed Commitment letter to obtain UEI number if selected.
Interested bidders are required to express their interest and submit soft copies of eligibility documentation via email to Carla Hammoud chammoud@dawerr.org with a copy to Jad Sakr at jsakr@dawerr.org and Capricia Chabarekh at cchabarekh@ecodit.com by January 13, 2025.
- Conflict of Interest
In accordance with FAR 9.505 the Offerors shall take all reasonable and legal means to (a) prevent the existence of conflicting roles that might bias subcontractor’s judgment, and (b) prevent unfair competitive advantage. See FAR 9.505 for additional details.
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