Consultancy - Midterm Independent Project Evaluation - Improving living conditions and resilience of refugees displaced by the Syrian crisis and vulnerable hosting communities in Lebanon (ENABLE)

ILO/ ROAS is searching for an evaluation consultant to undertake the midterm independent evaluation of the project: Improving living conditions and resilience of refugees displaced by the Syrian crisis and vulnerable hosting communities in Lebanon.

The activities should take approximately 36 working days, with work expected to be undertaken during the period January – April 2025 online (field mission may be foreseen depending on the circumstances in the country). The current call is asking for expressions of interest from interested individual consultants specialized in project evaluations.

Please see Background Information and draft TORs for further information. The draft TOR is still under revision and some changes can be expected before the contractual process.

Duration of the contract: January – April 2025.

Application deadline: December 19, 2024 (11pm Beirut time)

Desired profile of the evaluator:

  • Master’s degree in social sciences, economics, development studies, evaluation or related fields.
  • A minimum of 7 years’ experience in conducting projects and programme evaluations, with demonstrated experience in development related programmes.
  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in developing theories of change, log frames and M&E systems or an extensive experience conducting evaluability assessments/ reviews.
  • Previous experience in evaluations for UN agencies is required.
  • Evaluation experience with the ILO and the EU cooperation projects, is a strong asset.
  • Relevant regional experience and familiarity with implementation of programmes and projects in the region.
  • Experience in Lebanon is an asset.
  • Full proficiency in English.
  • Knowledge of the ILO and its normative mandate, tripartite structure and technical cooperation activities is a strong asset.
  • Excellent communication, interview and report writing skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver quality results within strict deadlines.
  • Facilitation skills and ability to manage diversity of views in different cultural contexts.
  • Must have no previous involvement in the delivery of the project under evaluation.

Proposal submission

Interested candidates intending to submit an expression of interest must supply the following information:

1. A cover letter describing how the skills, qualifications and experience are relevant to the assignment.

2. The CV highlighting previous evaluations that are relevant to the context and subject matter of this assignment. Date of the evaluations and the managing organization should be clearly stated.

3. A financial proposal with daily rate expressed in US dollars.  

4. Sample of similar work written by the applicant as the main author.

5. At least two professional references.

Kindly check the attached ToR for more information

Please send your application with relevant attachments to by the 19th of December 2024 (11:00 PM Beirut time) with the subject heading: “ILO.ENABLE.YOURNAME”.

How to apply

ILO/ ROAS is searching for an evaluation consultant to undertake the midterm independent evaluation of the project: Improving living conditions and resilience of refugees displaced by the Syrian crisis and vulnerable hosting communities in Lebanon.

The activities should take approximately 36 working days, with work expected to be undertaken during the period January – April 2025 online (field mission may be foreseen depending on the circumstances in the country). The current call is asking for expressions of interest from interested individual consultants specialized in project evaluations.

Please see Background Information and draft TORs for further information. The draft TOR is still under revision and some changes can be expected before the contractual process.

Duration of the contract: January – April 2025.

Application deadline: December 19, 2024 (11pm Beirut time)

Desired profile of the evaluator:

  • Master’s degree in social sciences, economics, development studies, evaluation or related fields.
  • A minimum of 7 years’ experience in conducting projects and programme evaluations, with demonstrated experience in development related programmes.
  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in developing theories of change, log frames and M&E systems or an extensive experience conducting evaluability assessments/ reviews.
  • Previous experience in evaluations for UN agencies is required.
  • Evaluation experience with the ILO and the EU cooperation projects, is a strong asset.
  • Relevant regional experience and familiarity with implementation of programmes and projects in the region.
  • Experience in Lebanon is an asset.
  • Full proficiency in English.
  • Knowledge of the ILO and its normative mandate, tripartite structure and technical cooperation activities is a strong asset.
  • Excellent communication, interview and report writing skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver quality results within strict deadlines.
  • Facilitation skills and ability to manage diversity of views in different cultural contexts.
  • Must have no previous involvement in the delivery of the project under evaluation.

Proposal submission

Interested candidates intending to submit an expression of interest must supply the following information:

1. A cover letter describing how the skills, qualifications and experience are relevant to the assignment.

2. The CV highlighting previous evaluations that are relevant to the context and subject matter of this assignment. Date of the evaluations and the managing organization should be clearly stated.

3. A financial proposal with daily rate expressed in US dollars.  

4. Sample of similar work written by the applicant as the main author.

5. At least two professional references.

Kindly check the attached ToR for more information

Please send your application with relevant attachments to by the 19th of December 2024 (11:00 PM Beirut time) with the subject heading: “ILO.ENABLE.YOURNAME”.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 19. ديسمبر 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم طلبات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
العمل وسبل العيش, اللاجئين