2024 -Supply and Delivery of Food Parcels to Beirut- ITB#: 2024PR041ITB

Nusaned does not engage in any political activity, and remains at equal distance from all religions.  We support communities based on a non-biased, egalitarian and value-based needs assessment process.

Our mission is to support under-served Lebanese communities to become self-sustaining by offering access to food security, building shelter and providing ongoing opportunities for productive economies. We do this through innovative and effective partnerships with communities as well as locally engaged, international organisations and donors.


As part of Nusaned Activities during the crisis, Nusaned is seeking for supplier/s who can provide us with Food Parcels. These Parcels are intended for distribution among the most vulnerable families who are facing critical needs.


Please read the following before submitting your BID:


  1. Quantity is subject a change.
  2. Issuance of Payment occurs within 15 days after delivery and submission of legal invoice by bank transfer/Bank Letter in fresh dollars.
  3. Bank charges if/when cash is withdrawn from the supplier’s account are at the supplier’s expense. 
  4. If/When Prices include VAT, it must be shown on the invoice. 
  5. Bidders offering a competitive price with require Items are required to submit a sample prior to final selection.
  6. Suppliers must abide by the specified quantities and description of each item
  7. Invoice must be official and legal.
  8. In case of defected or damaged items, the supplier must replace it at no cost
  9. The supplier should hold its proposal valid for a period of 60 days after the submission deadline
  10. Please take all the above notes into consideration, or your quotation will be disregarded.
  11.  To Send attached Official registration, Ministry of Finance numbers, VAT registration and ID of the owner
  12. The Procurement Department reserves the right to reject all bids, and re-launch the procedure if no satisfactory bids submitted.
  13. Nusaned reserves the right to select one or multiple suppliers at its discretion.
  14. The company reserves the right to submit any or all of the RFQs
  15. The delivery date is critical, as this project operates under an emergency response situation


-ITB-ITB#: 2024PR041ITB ( Food Parcels )

-NDA ( to be signed )


How to apply

Please send your price offers and all the required documents in a sealed, signed, and stamped envelope to Nusaned (Beirut, Dawra, Dawra Trade center 4th floor, Same building with Silver Arrow & Power Tech) before November 18, 2024 at 12:00 PM. 

In case of any missing document, the application will directly be considered as excluded

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 17. نوفمبر 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الغذاء والتغذية