Call to for a French hosting organization/cluster to support and host a Morrocan cluster- ECF

Context & Background

About Berytech:

Berytech is a leading organization in the Entrepreneurial Eco-system in Lebanon, that aims to provide a conducive environment for the creation and development of startups, through incubation, business support, counseling, funding, networking, and company hosting, hence taking part in the economic revival of the country, participating in wealth and job creation, and retaining graduates and high-level skills in Lebanon.

About Euromed Clusters Forward:

ECF is a 4-year project that aims at establishing and improving clusters legal policies, strengthening clusters capacity & regional cooperation, and strengthening regional value chains. Berytech is the implementing partner of ECF in Lebanon, that is funded by the European Union and coordinated by Anima Investment Network with 3 implementing partners and 9 affiliates from the Euromed region.

About Cluster Connect Mission (CCM):

Cluster Connect is a short-term exchange activity between clusters and support organizations from similar or different industrial ecosystems. It involves twinning, matchmaking and knowledge sharing activities, and peer learning between a South Mediterranean cluster – the Visitor and a host organization from South Mediterranean and European countries – the Host.

We are seeking well established EU clusters/ support organizations in France to design and deliver capacity building and consultancy services to support the cluster in strengthening its Tech center and its members in integrating Industry 4.0 solutions, engage the Moroccan cluster in partnership opportunities and reinforce their internationalization and export services.

Support will be given to the Cluster manager and 1 staff member from the Moroccan Cluster in the Mechatronics sector for 3 months virtually and in France.

Cluster background information:

This cluster (Visitor) was established in 2011 and consists of 115 SMEs. The mission of the cluster is to develop innovative products made in Morocco, for the energy, mobility, medical and aeronautical sectors. The Cluster manages a mechanical and electronic prototyping platform and a tech center for incubation and hosting startups and project leaders. It has supported 60+ startups and helped launch to the world 40+ innovative products made in Morocco.

The CCM will equip the cluster with the skills and capacity to:

  • Develop the services of the Techcenter with priority for the list of equipment needed to better support the prototyping of innovations.
  • Reinforce the cluster’s service catalog linked to the industry 4.0 through the established smart factory.
  • Develop new partnerships and export deals and expand the cluster’s network.
Scope of work

The Host will be responsible for conducting a comprehensive series of workshops, trainings consultancy services, site visits, facilitating the attendance to French fairs/exhibitions.

Based on a needs assessment conducted with the Visitor, the TOR is divided into 4 main components:

Component 1 – Support of Tech Center:

  • Assess the current services offered by the Techcenter and identify areas for improvement and innovation, considering the following factors:
    • Integrating new technologies and implementing technology transfer services.
    • Creating a cost-effectiveness and sustainability plan to implement these services.
  • Conduct an assessment of the Tech center equipment inventory, research and identify technologies and equipment aligned with its objectives.
  • Develop a list of priority equipment needed for prototypes development and cost estimation for acquiring and installing these equipment.

Component 2 – Digital Transition of companies through the Smart Factory:

  • Design and conduct capacity building trainings focusing on:
    • Digital transition of companies in the mechatronic, electric, and aerospace sectors.
    • Integrating and reinforcing the industry 4.0 within the service portfolio of the Smart Factory.

Component 3 – Access to new markets:

  • Coordinate with stakeholders to schedule and secure meetings with potential suppliers, focusing on enhancing internationalization and export opportunities for the cluster members, particularly in the African market.
  • Potentially negotiate commercial agreements with the identified suppliers.
  • Identify relevant European projects that align with the objectives and interests of the cluster and facilitate the establishment of partnership agreements within European projects.

Component 4 – Travel mission:

  • Organize and implement the travel mission of up to 3 cluster staff/members to France for a maximum of 5 days.
expected deliverables
  • Support materials: templates, presentation, and resources for participants to use during and after the workshops.
  • Agenda: for activities of each of the 4 components including virtual and in-person training, workshops, consultancy services, stakeholders’ meetings and visits for 3 months.
  • Attendance: attendance sheet of the visitor to different activities.
  • Travel mission: booking and invoices of flight tickets, accommodation, and other costs of all travelling participants.
  • Tech Center: report on the assessment results, services developed during the CCM and inventory of equipment.
  • Smart Factory: report on the training conducted during the CCM.
  • Partnerships meeting report: for the export, internationalization and the access to European projects.
  • Activity report: for participating in an exhibition/fair (if applicable).
  • Final report: sessions given and final outcomes of the CCM submitted to Berytech.
  • The CCM will be implemented from the beginning of April until the end of June 2024.
  • The travel mission of up to 3 cluster staff/members to France shall occur within the mission timeline.
  • The final report should be delivered by July 15th, 2024, at the latest.
  • Business Support Organization based in France or French Cluster in the Mechatronics and technology sectors.
  • Track record in supporting the digital transition and tech transfer of SMEs and startups and developing innovation ecosystems.
  • Track record in fostering partnerships and initiating/implementing joint projects with clusters, SMEs, and suppliers.
  • Experience in international business development, export or internationalization of companies.
  • Experience in diversifying the service portfolio in the technology field. Those with experience in implementing activities within the industry 4.0 will be prioritized.
  • Experience in designing and implementing capacity building programs on digital transition.

How to apply

To apply, please submit your proposal (technical and financial), agenda of activities, along with your resume and work/ project portfolio by email to: before March 4th, 2024, BoD with the subject: Cluster Connect Mission 3 - France- ECF

The Application should include:

  • Technical proposal describing the methodology, content and timeline of the mission including travel mission details.
  • Financial proposal describing the costs incurred in preparing and providing the mission, including the costs of the travel ticket and accommodation of the cluster staff in the Host country. The financial proposal shall be quoted in EURO.
  • Every component should have an allocated budget.
  • CVs of the individuals involved in the mission.

The shortlisted candidates will be contacted by Mid-March 2024.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 04. Mar 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
تنمية, التدريب وبناء القدرات
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract: