Green Track - Green Entrepreneurship - FITC Program
Company Background
Berytech, the leading entrepreneurship institution in Lebanon and a key regional player, brings 20 years of experience and successful local and regional track records in building and managing a dynamic entrepreneurship ecosystem for the creation and development of novel businesses. Berytech has a current portfolio of more than 30 pioneer innovation programs ranging from competitions to capacity building, acceleration, incubation, access to finance, access to markets in addition to initiatives to empower ecosystems, on a local and regional scale, in various sectors such as agriculture and food, water, energy, clean technology, green entrepreneurship, and circular economy, and social entrepreneurship, all involving ICT and new technologies.
Overview of the Soft-Landing Activity
The Soft-Landing Activity, under “From Innovation to Creation” Program funded by the European Union in collaboration with Berytech and SPARK, aims to enhance innovation and collaboration between Lebanon and Europe. Specifically tailored for the Green entrepreneurship Sector, this initiative empowers Lebanese innovation support organizations (ISOs), offering them the opportunity to expand their knowledge and establish fruitful connections. This immersive experience provides advisory services, local resource access, meeting tours, field visits, and expert engagements, equipping participants with essential tools and knowledge to navigate European and regional markets, strengthen business models, and positively impact the Lebanese ecosystem and startups.
The Soft-Landing voucher will offer one selected ISO (from the green track) the unique opportunity to be hosted by an EU organization. The goal is to identify organizations with a strong commitment to environmental causes and support them to scale internationally. The Soft-Landing program aims to provide the ISO with a fruitful and enriching experience that fosters innovation, collaboration, and growth.
One ISO will be selected to participate in the Soft-Landing voucher activity, represented by one representative. The selection process will be a collaborative effort, undertaken by members of the Berytech Team and Spark. This joint approach ensures a comprehensive evaluation process that draws upon diverse perspectives and expertise. To ensure that the selected ventures are aligned with the activity's goals and ready for impact, the following KPIs will help us objectively assess the organizations' capabilities and commitment to scaling their impact beyond local markets:
- Impact: Number of Green Startups, SME’s Supported
- Environmental Impact: Measurement of the organization's environmental impact, such as the number of beneficiaries or communities positively affected.
- Financial Sustainability: Funding sources and capacity of self-funding and developing programs.
- International scalability readiness: ability to support startups in expanding into new markets through activities and training.
- Commitment to Sustainability: Integrating sustainability practices within the organization.
- Commitment of the coach: Commitment and support of the coach in the FITC program and beyond.
Scope Of Work
The hosting partner must commit to providing peers with relevant details and facilitate meetings with relevant stakeholders in addition to providing access to market expertise.
The host should offer:
- Help to accelerate foreign companies’ learning processes, help them in establishing connections in the new country, and provide access to the essential resources necessary to meet their business goals.
- Develop specialized support and assistance by experts and advisors on partnership building, capacity building processes, acceleration and incubation growth strategy, market expansion opportunities, and visits to stakeholders.
- Facilitate meetings and visits to beneficiaries (startups, SMEs, etc…) and access to networking events with partners.
The duration of the soft-landing activity is 5 days including 2 days travel.
- The Hosting Organization will be requested to prepare a 3-day agenda in coordination with Berytech team (including technical expertise, meetings, trainings, site visits, etc. and excluding travel logistics).
- Submit a report which includes all meetings secured with key stakeholder, potential partnerships/collaborations, tools and methodologies used to help startups scale-up, and market penetration strategies.
How to apply
For further information or to submit your proposal please contact:
to: before February 22th, 2024 by sharing the technical and finacial proposal in seperate files.
Due to the high number of applications, only the selected consultant will be contacted
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