Art Therapist - Terms of Reference

Start - End Dates: July - August 2023


Anti-Racism Movement (ARM) is a local NGO established in 2011 by a group of local activists who work together with migrant workers to secure social, economic, and gender justice for all migrant workers and racialized groups in Lebanon. We work for a just society where all migrants enjoy decent living and working conditions.


Project: Community Psychosocial Support

Migrant domestic workers’ distress can be largely attributed to the different forms of structural discrimination and exploitation faced under kafala. In that regard, adopting depoliticized approaches to mental health through the hegemonic biomedical model of mental illness risks perpetuating structures of oppression through the formulation of distress as an individual matter. The psychosocial component at MCC moves beyond the individual in providing an opportunity to collectively work through the distress without pathologizing it. That is, rather than medicalizing distress and trying to ‘cure’ it, the rationale is to work through it collectively by recognizing one’s experience as part of a common collective struggle under the kafala system.

Purpose and Scope of Work

The consultant will deliver a creative expression psycho-social intervention program to adolescent children of migrant community center parents. Through a participatory approach, specific program modalities and themes will be agreed on by the facilitator and participating adolescents. The overall aim is to provide space for self-expression and an opportunity to build meaningful and supportive relationships between participants.



Deliver 8, 2-hour creative expression sessions between July and August 18, 2023.

Prepare a report describing session activities, emerging themes, and reflections on participation and group dynamics, including suggestions for future activities with adolescents.

The above is to be implemented in person at the Anti-Racism Movement space in Beirut.


How to apply

Interested candidates should send to by July 20, 2023

(Subject line : Art Therapist):

  • CV
  • A document describing suggested activities and approaches
  • License to practice
  • Quotation 

Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis. Only those shortlisted for the position will be contacted.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 20. يوليو 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية, لعاملات المهاجرات/ العمال المهاجرين
Duration of Contract:
1 month