Graphic Designer for Cooperative Branding Development

Graphic designer for cooperative brand development to support the implementation of the Projects “LED”.

The Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II (FGPII) is recruiting a graphic designer to develop the branding and logo of 6 agricultural and food processing cooperatives.



  1. Develop the logo design and brand name for 6 agricultural and food processing cooperatives in a participatory approach with the cooperative's members
  2. Develop the labelling design of the cooperative facilities and the stickers to be attached to tools and products
  3. Produce a written report describing the methodology for branding and logo development for each cooperative



  • Having a degree/diploma in Graphic Design, Fine Arts or related fields
  • Proven graphic designing experience
  • Experience in branding and logos development strategy
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both Arabic and English languages
  • Experience in the cooperative sector and other forms of producers’ organization is a plus
  • Commitment to the aims and objectives of FGPII.


CVs will be pre-selected according to their coherence with the required profile.

Selected candidates will be called for an interview, preferably in presence, at FGPII Office in Gemmayze (Beirut).

We thank all those who will send their application, but we inform that only candidates pre-selected for an interview will be contacted

Note: for more information about the organization, please consult our Italian website (in Italian) or our profile on Daleel Madani.



How to apply

Interested candidates should send their CV, the details of two people who will serve as professional references, a short self-presentation letter in English language explaining how the candidate’s qualifications and previous experiences are in line with this job description.

Applications must be sent no later than 18-4-2023, to:

Please specify in the reference: “Graphic Designer _name_surname”

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 18. أبريل 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
Remuneration range:
5000 to 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
30 non consecutive days over the period of 6 months