Invitation for an International Open Tender for the Construction and Rehabilitation of Irrigation Canals in North East Bekaa

WW-GVC intends to award a works contract for the Construction and Rehabilitation of Irrigation Canals in North East Bekaa in Lebanon with financial assistance from the European Union.

How to apply

For those interested in receiving the documents of the tender dossier, it can be requested via email only from the following email address: [email protected]

The tender dossier will be available from 14 November 2022, 12:00 pm Beirut Local Time.

The deadline for submission of tenders is 13 December 2022, 12:00pm Beirut Local Time.


Public Tender Opening Session Scheduled on Wednesday 14th December 2022 – 11:00 am link:

Public Tender Opening Session GVC/LEB/LED/22/IOT01 - Link   

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 13. ديسمبر 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
إعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والخدمات, إعادة تأهيل
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
18 Months