Consultancy for Community Involvement/Engagement and Art of Hosting

In line with arche noVa project “Strengthen resilience of refugees from Syria and their host communities to current and future challenges and risks related to socio-economic crises in Lebanon” funded by the BMZ UH we are looking for a consultant experienced in developing different approaches for community involvement and in organization of an Art of Hosting-Workshop in Tripoli.



arche noVa (AN) is a German NGO ( working in rapid emergency relief, rehabilitation & reconstruction and long term development in 14 countries all over the world. Since 2016 arche noVa has been active in Lebanon, implementing projects focusing on access to safe water, sanitation as well as Livelihood and Food Security and on informal education.



The purpose of this consultancy is to provide a min of 2 (two) and a max of 4 (four) days (identified based on need-assessment) workshop to arche noVa’s two project partners and staff (in total ~ 8 participants), and to equip the participants with tools and instruments that will enable them to effectively engage communities in the project.

In Consultation with AN Office in Tripoli, the Consultant will:

  1. In preparation phase, analyze project in question and examine documents provided by AN.
  2. Draft an interactive schedule and methodology for the workshop/ training.
  3. Provide training materials and/or related tools for reference for the participants.
  4. Organize and deliver Capacity building on the participatory approach.
  5. Develop/share tools and instruments on how to engage communities in project activities in a sustainable way in regards to the Lebanese context.
  6. Highlight points to consider when:
    1. deciding about methodology/criteria  to be used in order to identify best model for engagement of community  .
    2. engaging communities in general and in the Lebanese context.
    3. possible challenges and how to overcome.
  7. What to consider when building community committees and exchange structures.
  8. Create a roadmap on how to engage/involve communities within the current project.
  9. How to follow up (time and resources).
  10. Train on facilitation techniques for the involvement of communities and groups of different nature and size in line with the Art of Hosting (AoH) approach.
  11. Provide online support during the duration of the contract on better implementation of the instruments developed.
  12. Provide a training report within 5 working days after completion of each training session, with a complete list of participants.
  13. Report should include brief description of the subject covered, with the focus on the main challenged /gaps that have been identified during the training and possible solutions.



The duration of the consultancy contract is 2 months and should shall take place during September – October 2022. Precise working days from home and days for the workshop will be agreed with the consultant. On request and where applicable, the Consultant shall receive relevant communication documentation regarding the partners and ongoing project in preparation for the training.

The entire consultancy, for both partners and excluding report writing, shall not exceed 2 months in total.

After kick off meeting, Consultant will present an Inception Report.



  • Minimum university degree in Communication, Political science or other related field.
  • At least 7 years of Experience in the NGO sector as international staff or consultant.
  • Proven experience in related trainings/workshops.
  • Extensive experience in capacity building, especially for community oriented NGOs.
  • Certificate for Art of Hosting
  • Demonstrate a high level of inter-communication skills, professionalism and ability to work independently.
  • Sensitivity and responsiveness to gender, ethnicity, inclusivity and other social issues.
  • Excellent written and spoken English. Arabic is an added advantage.
  • Able to provide timely, well written and analytical reports to the teams.
  • Familiarity with the geographical area of intervention is an advantage.


How to apply

Bids will be accepted from individual consultants. The bid should include a Consultant profile, (including at least 2 references), cover letter explaining interest and suitability for this position and  budget as well as indicative work plan.  Applications need to be sent to before 24th of August. Please indicate in the subject  “Community Involvement - Consultancy”.

Financial offer of the consultant should include:

  • travel cost to/from Lebanon  (if the consultant is international one)
  • accommodation cost during stay in the country
  • insurance
  • preparation and printing of the training material
  • preparation and execution of workshop


Costs related to the workshop: rent of the training venue, meals for participants, transportation cost to the training venue and any other cost related to logistics will be covered by arche noVa.

Consultant will have, during his/her stay in Lebanon possibility to use arche noVa office.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 24. أغسطس 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
العمل وسبل العيش, نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي
Remuneration range:
5000 to 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
2 months