Call for Submissions: Faith in Action for Children on the Move
The Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities is inviting you to submit evidence (e.g. best practice examples, reports, resources, etc) on Faith in Action for Children on the Move.
Background Information:
In 2018, ACT Alliance, Anglican Alliance, Arigatou International GNRC, Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities, Mennonite World Conference, Micah Global, Salvation Army, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Talitha Kum Alzati, World Council of Churches, World Evangelical Alliance and World Vision International participated in the Global Church Partners Forum on Children on the Move in Rome, Italy. The Forum provided a platform to reflect on faith-based contributions to end violence against children as it relates to children on the move (children or young people and their families who are forcibly displaced internally or refugees).
To ensure the Forum had a sound evidence base, the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLI), in collaboration with the Partners, compiled three Learning Briefs on:
- Strengthening the Continuum for Child Protection
- Spiritual Support to children and caregivers as a source of healing and resilience
- Building Peaceful Societies and combating xenophobia
On November 17/18, 2022, World Vision and Arigatou International are planning an event as part of the Day of Prayer and Action for Children in Rome. They asked the JLI to update the 2018 Learning Briefs to highlight more recent trends, good practice and challenges in faith-based interventions for displaced children. This will help participants move the global agenda forward for the benefit of children on the move.
What we are looking for:
In order to learn what faith actors have done between 2018 and 2022 in relation to children on the move, we invite you to submit:
- Good Practice Examples of projects or programs AND/OR
- Any relevant documents that your organization or your partners have produced between 2018 and 2022
For this update, we are looking for good practice examples and/or resources on faith-based engagements with children on the move. We are particularly interested in past (from 2018 onwards) or current faith-based programmes that have already reached an advanced implementation stage. Resources can include reports, monitoring and evaluation documents, interviews with participants and/or any other relevant documents. We hope to gather evidence from a range of different religious traditions and communities.
Requirements for examples and documents:
- engage with children on the move as a beneficiary
- are about interventions that are well into the implementation phase (not in early stages) to allow for reflections on the lessons learned
- have a faith-based component in the approach.
Areas of intervention may include:
- PREVENTION of migration and the root causes that drive children and their families to migrate,
- RESPONSE to children’s needs and those of their families along the route, in transit and destination countries, including in relation to COVID-19
- SENSITIZATION & AWARENESS RAISING amongst many groups including receiving communities, improving consciousness among local faith communities of children on the move
- POLICY/ADVOCACY at any level
- RESILIENCE How faith contributes to individual or community resilience and/or provides spiritual and/or psychosocial support during the migration experience
Good Practice Examples: We request you to please submit examples that represent good practice in your view. If you would like to submit more than one example, please submit a new form submission for each example. There are no word limits for each question.
Documents only: If you don’t have any specific good practice example, but would like to share a resource (e.g. a report, project evaluation…) that your organization or one of your partners has published in the last 4 years, please upload them using the form or send them directly to
How to apply
We invite you to submit your good practice examples via this Evidence Submission Form.
The deadline for the submissions is August 5, 2022. Please let us know if you wish to submit a good practice example and/or resources, but need a few extra days.
If you have any questions on the scope of this project, please email the JLI's Resreach Fellow, Susanna Trotta, at
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