Online and offline coordination mechanisms for MSMEs and BDS


Coordination Mechanisms for MSMEs and Business Development Experts

Terms of Reference



With the support of the European Regional Development and Protection Programme for Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq (RDPP II), Oxfam and its partners Legal Agenda (LA) and Lebanese Observatory for Workers and Employees’ Rights (LOWER) are implementing a project titled “Promotion of decent work and sustainable business development in Bekaa, Lebanon.”


The overarching objective of the project is to contribute to a decent and economically sustainable business environment for displacement-affected populations in the Bekaa by strengthening the linkage between the local civil society, the business development service (BDS) providers, and the MSMEs in Bekaa.

To achieve this overall objective, the project will implement activities under three main clusters:


  • Cluster 1: Empower the My Work, My Rights! network, a local network of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to influence practices and policies related to decent work;
  • Cluster 2: Convene an informal network of private business development organizations and professionals with strong decent work capacities in Bekaa;
  • Cluster 3: Improve working conditions and accessible decent job opportunities in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Bekaa.

Within this project, Oxfam is working with civil society organizations on decent work promotion while linking decent work improvement to business development. As such, Oxfam and the My Work, My Rights network capacitated around 20 business development professionals to mainstream decent work in their tools and materials, and worked with 3 BDS firms to deliver technical business support to 75 MSMEs in the Bekaa to sustain and/or grow the businesses and the jobs they provide within improved decent working conditions.

MSMEs submitted their business plans and decent work improvement plans to Oxfam and were thoroughly evaluated against technical and project criteria. Accordingly, 30 MSMEs were selected with sustainability and growth prospects and demonstrated commitment to improving working conditions.


Oxfam aims to bring together actors who are differently affected by the crisis but have a joint interest in sustainable economic development and job retention/creation to collectively contribute to the overarching objective of the project mentioned above.


Under activity cluster 3, the project is to establish or improve an existing coordination and referral mechanism between specialized BDS providers and 30-75 MSMEs within the framework of sustainable economic development.


The main goal is to enable mechanisms and approaches in support of MSMEs’ access to specialized business development services, and/or other MSMEs integrating decent working conditions for workers and employees and as a core component in sustainable business development.



Oxfam is looking for a qualified consultant/business firm/organization to combine an online and offline approach to  coordination and referral mechanisms between specialized Business Development Service (BDS) providers and MSMEs. The mechanisms include:


  • Convening networking meetings with BDS organizations and professionals with the aim of building and maintaining professional connections with one another stemming from their role in sustainable economic development.
  • Convening meetings with MSMEs for business opportunities, peer support and to identify clusters and enhance MSME to MSME integration (of activities) and collaboration (of members) for mutual benefit on the individual firm level, sector/regional level and the wider economy level.
  • The establishing or development of a digital platform that would enable the digital sustaining and continuation of collaboration and linkages to support MSMEs’ access to specialized business development support, and/or other MSMEs.


Outputs include the below offline and online mechanisms:

  • 5 convening and networking meetings with BDS organizations and professionals.
  • 5 convening and networking meetings with MSMEs.
  • 1 digital platform/mechanism.
  • 1 networking event between BDS and MSMEs as part of launching the platform to enhance MSMEs’ access to specialized business development services.


These mechanisms will be financially supported by the project to ensure that the MSMEs will be able to have knowledge and access to a pool of business development experts who can  assist enterprise owners to effectively run, sustain and grow their businesses, and a pool of other MSMEs  they can coordinate, network and/or collaborate with and develop common projects across all business processes such as production, supply, market access, distribution, access to capital etc. (e.g. clustering approach which can combine advantages of the small scale with the various benefits of the large scale).


The vacancy is open for experienced individuals (teams)/businesses/organizations in the development sector with an existing or currently under development digital platform, to ensure the platform’s sustainability beyond the project.

Online Mechanisms/ Digital Platform:


The digital platform (existing or currently under development) envisioned includes 3 features that should carry on and trail the outcomes of the offline mechanisms:

  1. The first feature will be platform for MSMEs to register and look for other MSMEs filtered by specific sector, geography, market, size etc..
  2. The second feature will be an announcement platform for  organizations to advertise for trainings, vocational trainings, apprenticeships, internships, etc. that benefit MSMEs.
  3. The third feature of the platform will include a list and the links of existing WhatsApp groups, Facebook groups, and other initiatives that seek to job-match enterprises to job-seekers.


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Bekaa for this period, Business Development Service (BDS) providers (consultants and/or organizations), Social Enterprises and Social Entrepreneurs, Job Seekers, NGOs, and other development agencies with opportunities.


  • Verified registration of MSMEs using a form.
  • Verified registration of BDS organizations and individuals using a form.
  • Directory of existing job platforms.
  • Announcements about BDS support programs, apprenticeships, training programs.
  • Search for MSMEs, BDS providers and announcements.


Expected Deliverables

The below are the expected deliverables:

  • Inception report on the design and implementation of the digital platform and the offline mechanisms.
  • Test version of the digital platform.
  • Final version of the digital platform.
  • Manual on the use and application of the digital platform.
  • 5 thematic meetings with BDS organizations and consultants (agenda, facilitation guide, facilitator, report documenting process, methodology, attendance, challenges, learning and findings).
  • 5 convening meetings with BDS organizations and consultants (agenda, facilitation guide, facilitator, report documenting process, methodology, attendance, challenges, learning and findings).
  • Final report including the design of the digital platform, tested and operational system and the offline mechanisms.
  • Dissemination plan.
  • 1 launching and networking event for MSMEs and BDS organizations and professionals
  • Maintenance/support.


Duties and responsibilities/scope of work

  • Have all needed team members for the assignment.
  • Attend a meeting with Oxfam to kick-off activity and planning, where the consultant is provided background information and is expected to present and discuss methodology for delivery of objectives.
  • Submit inception report.
  • Work closely with Oxfam (the Project Manager, Senior Media and Communications Officer and the MEAL department) in the designing and development of the online platform, with specific focus in the functionality of all its features at the administrator and end-user levels.
    To meet this objective, the consultants will be asked to:
    • Meet with BDS organizations, MSMEs, job seekers in Bekaa to obtain information or test as needed.
    • Thoroughly test the functionality of all required features at administrator and end-user level and implement needed bug fixes.
    • Prepare a dissemination plan.


If meetings are online, it is the responsibility of the consultant to have the required software license for online video-conferencing programs like Zoom and ensure reliable internet access.


Qualifications and required expertise

Qualification & Skills Requirements:

  • An existing or currently under development digital platform in line with the descriptions mentioned above.
  • Demonstrated expertise of working with social and/or business enterprises in developing innovative technological solutions for development issues.
  • Knowledge and experience in the field of business development, MSME clustering approaches, peer support, and fostering linkages by identifying opportunities and matchmaking (offline and online is a plus).
  • A minimum of 7 years of professional work experience in business development developing information technology solutions, digital platforms, web based and mobile applications and innovative technology designs.
  • Portfolio of work demonstrating innovative technological solutions/models.
  • Strong Arabic.



Timeframe envisioned is from April 2022 to August 2022.

Subject to extension if necessary.


How to apply

Expression of Interest (EOI)

Interested consultants should submit their:

  • A technical proposal which includes methodology, detailed timeframe, CVs of team members.
  • Financial proposal/Quotation divided clearly by activity type.
  • Minimum of three references of similar activities implemented, preferably INGO or local NGO experiences.
  • List of previous clients.
  • Registration and official government documents, if applicable. Noting that 7.5% will be deducted from the total amount if not registered.

Oxfam GB in Lebanon reserves the right to reject all bids, including the Bidding processes, or not to award the contract at any time, without thereby incurring and liability to the affected Bidders.


Please submit the EOI and other documents (as mentioned above) by midnight 31/03/2022 Lebanon time to [email protected] mentioning ‘Online and offline coordination mechanisms for MSMEs and BDS’ in the subject line.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 31. Mar 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية, الاتصالات والإعلام
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
April to August 2022